What's on Your Mixtape?
This morning was sponsored by Pandora with a little throwback music otherwise known as Hall & Oates radio. {8 miles, 67 minutes} What's on your mixtape? http://themfdre.blog.com/?p=77
Rule of Thumb when Sick
what is your workout rule of thumb when you're under the weather? Yes? No? How sick do you need to feel to give it up entirely? Feeling really 'heady' today. Slight sore throat, sneezy, but body feels fine. thinking a workout might do me well, but looking for others POV.
The last 5
I recently joined to help keep me accountable to the last 5. you know those snarly few that creep up and down. it's bikini and summer wedding time and I'm focused and ready to drop the final 5. Giving myself a goal of 1lb. per week. The true test of discipline sets in when you're closest to your goal but those last few…