Anybody have any great TVP recipes?
Have you tried spirulina? I haven't but I want to. I don't want a pill form, I want to drink it. If you have tried it, what brands are good and which ones aren't and why? Thanks!
I am interested in purchasing a juicer...any suggestions on a brand? If you have one why do you like or dislike the one you have?
How long do you generally have to be doing the same routine to plateau? I have previous workout experience and I recall it being like a month or two. I am frustrated. I have been very strict with myself working out like I should...averaging a 600 + burn 5 days a week. Eating extremely well. Using supplements, and I have…
I never new I had a "food weakness" until mfp. Since I have started my food diary and paying attention to what I eat, I really haven't slipped...granted I have only been doing this for a month! HA! But today I discovered there is a food that I can not seem to walk pass and not take one....JET PUFF MARSHMELLOWS!!!! Oh my! I…
So I gained 5 pounds over the weekend...of water. I can feel it! I cant wear my wedding ring, I cant wear sandals. I t all started Friday night. My husband and I went on a jog and I forgot my water bottle and of all nights we got lost on a new path and were gone for 85 minutes. By the end I was so swollen my hands were…