For long distances... What do you carry for water... a belt, a backpack?? Anything else for re-hydration? --I'm not currently carrying anything but think I really should. What gels do you use? --I have been using GU - makes me gag every once in a while. Clothing? Shoes? Anything else I should be thinking about for race…
OK. So, I ran yesterday and the top of my foot kind of hurt but a day after... I can barely walk!!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like I'm going to have to take it easy. I have my 1st marathon in a month... UGH!!! Have any of you had this pain before?! I'm taking over the counter pain meds and icing. Not sure what else to do - do…
Which GARMIN do you use and why??? I'm trying to figure out which one I should get!!! THANKS!
What was your first marathon time goal? What was your actual first marathon time? .... AAAAND what are you running it in now?!!! Trying to set up my pacing. I do a lot better with everything when I have goals to shoot for!!! Thanks! :heart: Robyn Danielle
Are there any full marathon runners out there?? I need any advice you can give me! I'm running my first, on June 6th, in San Diego!!!!!! Thanks! Robyn