Unfortunately, I had to stop the 30DS and C25K track I was on. Unfortunately my shoulder just won't hold up. I've got physical therapy starting but not until Sept. It may stem from my carpal tunnel, which is job related and unfortunately I can't quit my job! It may also be due to an injury and in that case, xrays and…
Hey everyone, I decided to just get started on 30 Day Shred last night. Man! I didn't expect to have as hard of a time as I did. I'm not terribly out of shape but I've been trying to get back on the bandwagon after almost a year off. I've been running and doing basic interval training for a couple weeks and last night I…
All I have to say is that I don't think I've ever cursed at the TV that much before in my entire life. :sick: My glutes hurt so bad I think I need a butt donut to make it through work today. :noway: I want to write her a letter "Dear Jillian, I hate your face. I'll see you tonight you mean, mean woman." :grumble: