I have a few friends on here that are great and supportive, they are all over the country and none from around California, is there any one who'd like to be myfitnesspal friends from So Cal?
So I have been not working out for about 2 months then monday I made it out to walk I made it 5 miles, yay But now my right foot hurts badly just walking from my bedroom to my kitchen. I didn't feel any pain the day of, and I though it would have gone away, but no 4 days later it is still hurting, I don't know what I did…
I received my new issue of ALL YOU, and there is an article titled "The New Rules of Weight Loss." There are a few rules that are fine and I have heard before but a couple are things complete against every thing I have read before. 1) Fast weight loss might mean more pounds dropped over time, it describes a study where…
Hi I am Jennifer a mother of three, a 5 year old, 3 year old, and my baby boy is 22 months, Over the past year my weigh has climbed faster then ever i went from 170 to 214, and 214 is the heaviest I got being pregnent so i need to stop and work on it, I went from a csm at walmart to a desk job and now a stay at home mom,…