It was 2 yrs ago today that I sent my husband to Walmart to find me some jeans because I didn't own anything that fit except for these huge tent like dresses I had ordered from a specialty mega plus sized catalog. I didn't go with him, because I was so ashamed of my weight that I only left the house for church (and only…
Back in May they contacted a low carb site asking for people they could interview that had lost over 100 pounds and the site owner pointed them to me. It was a long crazy process, but in a few hours "my" magazine will hit the shelves. Someone on FB contacted me saying she has it already. It's dated Sept 17 and will be on…
One of my girls ended up having her appendix out a couple of weeks ago. It had burst during surgery so it ended up being a 4 day stay to rid her of all the infection. During that time I focused on her instead of my diet (and by diet I just mean food choices, low carb is a lifestyle for me by now), so I just ate the trays…
I got a treadmill back in late January and worked my way up to being able to run about 3.5 miles. Started "running" at 4.5 and worked my way up (speed-wise) from there. My best 5K time was 36:28 (that's where my sweaty profile pic came from). Now that the weather is so nice, I've been trying to run outside and it's like…
LOL At least that's how I feel after reading some of the posts here. I'm thankful for the info, but most of it just goes straight over my pretty little head. Anyone else ever feel overwhelmed by the abbreviations and formulas and such?!
A year ago today I weighed 323. I sent my DH to buy me some bigger jeans and he came home with 26's because that was the biggest they had. I had to lay down on the bed and fight just to button them and they cut into me...deeply...I probably would have worn a 30 easily. My "before" pic was actually a couple months later…