I don't know how many of you out there have a Foster's Grille near you. Home of the Charburger. (I'm in Northern Virginia.) I can't find ANY nutritional information out there on ANY of their offerings. (Haven't asked at the restaurant itself.) Does anyone have any of this information or know how to get it? Thanks for any…
35 minute jog this morning! Whoa---now a few hours later, my quads are feeling it, after jumping into that after taking almost a week off. But, I DID IT! Even with a knee hurting a little...I pushed through. Yay for the victories!
I pulled out a dress that I have only worn once before in my life---never thought I would again. Tried it on to see if I could get into it, and it fit! And with some shapewear on under it, I'd even go out in it! Wahoo! It was always the dress in the back of my mind that I was like "That dress would be a goal"--and I've…
Hi! in a few days my family is going on a weeklong trip. We'll be in a hotel and I'm trying to conserve money by not eating out all the time. My husband will be in meetings the whole time, so it is me and my 19 month old son. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to sneak away to exercise, and if not, hopefully we can take walks…