easy exercise
I have been astounded with how many calories I burn when I am just out and about, hanging with my family. Today I went to the beach and I swam a little, maybe about an hour (500cal) stood and talked to my family and friends (there was a shortage of chairs so I stood the whole time [500 calories for 2hrs]) and I walked up…
yard work
I was out doing yard work for 2 hours and 20minutes. It is very hot outside. The first hour was just pruning a tree, not a big deal. Then the rest of the time was some serious hard work, like trimming a full grow oak tree and pulling up large ferns etc. The exersice caculator says around 250 calories are burned each hour.…
When my mom makes dinner...
My mom makes dinner a few nights a week. The other days I can make my own and track my calories, but when she makes it I have no clue how many calories are in it. Some you can eyeball like chicken and corn, or you can look it up (spaghetti), but when she makes a huge stir fry or some personal recipe I can't even begin to…