I have had a very stressful week. And the emotional eating cravings are terrible. I don't understand why I feel like this or why I think eating will make me feel better. It's like a vicious cycle. Does anyone have any ideas to curbing cravings? Or healthy emotional eating ideas? Motivation? Kind words? Anyone who share's…
I started going to the gym monday, I believe. I've gone everyday at 7pm except on Tuesday and Thursday due to bible study and Chi Alpha. Wednesday I think I over did it or maybe my body just isn't used to working out. My thighs are so sore I can hardly go up and down stairs or sit down. I can't sleep at night cause I can't…
Hey, I'm a college student and my weight has skyrocketed. It has gotten out of control. I have a really busy schedule with classes and homework so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on the kind of food I can get thats quick in the morning or anyone who wants to be my friend on here and just be an accountability buddy?