Hey can you guys do me a favor and visit this website and po
I Iwas wondering since everyone on here helps me out, if they'd help my boyfriend by visiting his site and letting me know what you think of it...post your responce on here so I can tell him if he needs some improvement he wants to build traffic to his site..it's not a scam or anything lol so don't think it's some weird…
Anyone got some healthy recipes for losing weight that aren't too costly? I like eggs, chicken, turkey, turkey chili, chili (not meatless though), hot dogs, hard boiled eggs without the yolks which gives me only 15.5 calories! I like steak also. So any recipes I can make with the foods I mentioned lol? Healthy ones for…
eating late night
My boyfriend and I always eat late @ night b/c we're always busy throughout the day. I get sick of salads and grilled chicken, as well as fish. Does anyone know what else I can eat late @ night and buy at the store? I mainly eat fast food stuff or eat out b/c again we barelyy have time to cook or do anything..so please…
Help me with toning, and working out?
I lost alot of weight in the past year about 40 and was wondering what workouts should I do to tone my stomach, thighs, and arms? I'm not sure what workouts, like on DVD I can't afford a gym..I do the wii fit for 20 mins running..and jumping jacks, with 50 crunches/sit-ups..what else can I do for toning and flattening my…