It's been hard to get motivated to move. My doctor put me on some new meds that seem to be helping the RA and the flexibility is back in the foot. The RA had eaten a whole in the metatarsal of my big toe and a cyst had formed so they had to remove the sesamoid bone directly underneath to get to the cyst. Then there was a…
Recently diagnosed with RA and had to have surgery on my foot. Would love to find other people with RA or another form of arthritis. Hard to be motivated sometimes! Now to try to lose the weight I gained between the surgery and the prednisone.
I am trying to lose weight but my sweet tooth gets me every time. I finally stocked up on the little apple trays that have a tiny bit of caramel in them. Seems to help. The dietician here at work recommended baking peaches etc. I have even found the little Smart Ones desserts. But they tend to make me want m0ore so I stay…