firstly I don't know if this is the right place to put my post but here goes. My workouts consist of two gym visits a day, my first is a circuit (cardio and weights) and my second is purely treadmill. When i do my circuit train in the morning i take a watered down cordial to drink (as i have low sugar levels) but when i do…
I am the first to admit that my diet has a lot of room for improvement and I have done a lot of changing and cutting back on foods. When I have a healthy salad or similar meal I find myself craving something sweet afterwards (like lollies, soft drink or chocolate). Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can curb these…
Hi, i go by the nick name of Bunny. Recently I was given the diagnosis of Bulimia but I have since been diagnosed as fitting into a new and fastly growing group where we don't fit into any defined eating disorder. I have not joined this site at the moment as a means of weight loss but to try and find help and support by…
Hi, i go by the nick name of Bunny. I have only joined this site 2 days ago after my friend found someone's post or blog and thought of me. I must admit that i am still a little apprehensive about this site for MYSELF personally. As i suffer from bulimia i wonder if the calorie counter and exercise tracker is a useful tool…