... or cost a fortune. any good headphone suggestions that stay put while running etc. but aren't insanely expensive? (ie i won't cry if i lose or break them!) should be available online (US shipping) or in-store. bonus points for anything on amazon prime. HELP?
Hi All! Long story short I have been a vegetarian for over 12 years, and in my recent struggles to lose (and maintain!) weight I've really struggled to keep protein up with a medium-low carb intake. I've also had pretty serious issues with anemia and it's been suggested that I try introducing some meat back into my diet to…
Hi All! I just received my weekly 20% off coupon to BB&B and figured I'd use it for something useful this time. (plus i'm completely stocked up on shampoo, conditioner, soap and random stuff i could never dream of using!) I'm thinking about a new (body, not kitchen) scale. My current scale is a really old junky analog one…
Question- How do you all deal with a significant other who doesn't work out and eats not so healthy? I try to suggest going for a walk instead of sitting on the couch eating cookies, but it's hard. He doesn't "need" to work-out but I do. How do I motivate him, which in turn, motivates me? Any tips?