I had an idea for the past couple years that I had Gluten Issues but I was trying to get everything else in my life on track and get my weight down. I have Diabetes (Insulin dependent), fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, RA, OA & Psoriatic arthritis and a few other issues. Well now 1 year after Gastric Sleeve surgery and 93lbs…
I was given an electric pressure cooker by my Mom, she loves her's but cooks and eats thing's I can't. I need your help with idea's, recipes and what not. We eat a lot of chicken, ground turkey, some steak and pork. If you all would be willing to send me some recipes so I can use my new gadget I would be very grateful. I…
I was given a Electric Pressure cooker and I have no idea what to do with it. My Mom loves her's and uses it all the time, however I can't eat what she does so I am in serious need of recipe's and "How to" Knowledge. If any of you out there can send me some recipe's and info I would be very grateful. My email address is:…