Last week I dusted off my yoga ball, found a really awesome video on youtube and the rest I would say is history..but it's only been a week. I've been putting it under my strength training becuase it's not like I'm dripping with sweat with I'm done. I do cardio for 30min to an hour daily, which I AM dripping sweat at the…
I've started the basic steps to cutting down on calories with a list of "DON'T EAT THAT" foods .... Do any of you have tips for substitutes for for everyday food items that may be lower in calories. I'm honestly tired of standing in the grocery store looking at each brand of bread or checking to see if soy milk is better…
I suddenly realized that for the past month I've actually been daydreaming about MAGICALLY losing weight. Yeahm, not sure it's gonna happen. This seems like such a idea. In a game?