i have recorded my weight loss but its not showing on the ticker thing on my profle, whyyyyyy???
i dont know how to motivate myself, i started well but now ive put back on any weight ive lost and rarely go gym. its depressing me but i just cant seem to get off my fat a**. any tips that keep you all going? thanks Aimee
I have been on my official diet for 2 weeks now. last week i went gym 4 times and ate healthy and only lost 1 pound, but i think it should have been my TOM, this week ive been gym 3 times and been good but im absolutely terrified about getting on the scales. if ive not lost ill be gutted :(
Hi all! I joined just over a week ago and thought i should say hello :) Ive been trying to diet for years but i just seem to put on weight instead of losing it. But im 24 next month and im determined to be able to look nice for it! Any help with my motivation would be greatly appreciated haha xx
Unsure of how to approach this..i weighed myself on my scales at home sunday morning and they showed me at one weight but when i weighed myself on the gym scales tonight after my workout id lost 2 pounds...in a day? Now as much as id love that to happen i highly doubt that its true. i think the gym ones are more accurate,…