

  • sorted! haha
  • no i mean the ticker is ON my profile but its still showing that ive not lost any weight. ive only lost 6 lbs but that looks better than nothing :(
  • yeah i have a friend whose on the site aswell, may ask her to start pestering me about how im doing. i have a friend who is a great motivation but sometimes i feel hes judging me ifi say im blowing off the gym, which he is but i guess its a good thing because it makes me feel really bad for not going .
  • thanks guys i think im just gonna have to make sure im logging everything and get back to the gym, its just hard to find my 'get up and go' at the minute :/
  • and you call this person a friend? id sit her down and explain how its making you feel. if theres no change then i wouldnt talk to her about your weight loss. just say 'enough' with a big grin haha xx
  • As the others have pointed out you are only eating 2 meals a day, this is completely the wrong thing to do. Always make sure you get your 3 meals, i also tend to eat a snack between each meal. Something like fruit or a low fat yoghurt?
  • what is it that you eat? x
  • I suppose i should stick with the one at home, just felt great getting on and being lighter haha i dont like to weigh myself everyday, i find it changes too much.
  • often i go from work so i dont have chance to weigh myself. i tend to only weigh myself on a sunday morning when ive not eaten anything. i just really dont trust those scales at home. theyve always been very up and down, and my weight doesnt fluctuate that much! haha
  • Hey, im new to this too. recently decided i dont want to moan about being fat anymore and not doing anything about it so its time to start trying! :D x
    in Newbie! Comment by aimon87 January 2011
  • I find this fitnesspal soo helpful. seeing how much im eating makes sure i dont eat too much and seeing how many calries come off when ive been to the gym makes me smile aswell xx
  • I was always worried that if i joined a gym people would be staring and judging my wobbly bits but ive been going for a week now and realised everyone there is there to either bulk up or slim down, and not really interested in anyone else, so im less concious now. Dont let that guy get to you, these guys probably get…
  • i really dont get it. if i eat 1200 a day then exercise and use 400 calories, what point is there eating that 400 again? might aswell have not worked out?