seriously lacking in motivation

aimon87 Posts: 19
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
i dont know how to motivate myself, i started well but now ive put back on any weight ive lost and rarely go gym. its depressing me but i just cant seem to get off my fat a**.

any tips that keep you all going?



  • Mickvond
    Mickvond Posts: 7
    I think about my kids and think about how unhappy I am and I dont like the way people look at me.... All of this keeps me going everyday....
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    I would go back and read your profile, inspirations etc. think about why you want to lose the weight.

    sometimes I go take off my shirt and look in the mirror...that usually re-motivates me pretty quick,.

    everyone stumbles...brush yourself off - and go hit the gym! get going.... :happy:
  • i give myself small goals, like, every 10 to 15 lbs i drop i get a new pair of workout pants or new purse or something. that helps me a lot
  • bigjean
    bigjean Posts: 32 Member
    1-get a pard n gym
    2-buy a smaller sexier dress
    3-place a pic in kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, it works for me
    4-swape number wid a few peeps here, i did it nd would get a few texts on hows it going, encouragmen t n so on

    and it keeps me faithful
    most of all just belive in urself sweetie
  • so far I try to log EVERYTHING! I join challenges to keep me motivated. and on that one day i don't do so good (usually saturdays when we have people over) I try not to let it get me down. I pick myself back up and forget it ever happened. I go to the gym only sometimes, like whe i need alone time. The other days work out at home :)
  • aimon87
    aimon87 Posts: 19
    thanks guys i think im just gonna have to make sure im logging everything and get back to the gym, its just hard to find my 'get up and go' at the minute :/
  • DeathEmpr
    DeathEmpr Posts: 17
    Have a friend on the site or maybe facebook message you to go to the gym. That may help, it'll be like an alarm clock of sorts. Text message works fine too, lol.
  • DeathEmpr
    DeathEmpr Posts: 17
    Have a friend on the site or maybe facebook message you to go to the gym. That may help, it'll be like an alarm clock of sorts. Text message works fine too, lol.
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    I'm with ya. I'd rather lay in bed and watch tv, than get on the treadmill and watch tv. lol Do you have any friends that you can talk in to working out with you? Even if you're just walking around town or something.
  • aimon87
    aimon87 Posts: 19
    yeah i have a friend whose on the site aswell, may ask her to start pestering me about how im doing.

    i have a friend who is a great motivation but sometimes i feel hes judging me ifi say im blowing off the gym, which he is but i guess its a good thing because it makes me feel really bad for not going .
  • mcewan07
    mcewan07 Posts: 38 Member
    i keep thinking about my wedding dress fitting in june and the fact i need the weight of by then, i could probably lose alot more than i am doing if i went to the gym, or cut back on takeaways (13 this month alone :S) but i have managed to lose half a stone in the past 4 and a bit weeks.
    Brush yourself off, and set a mini goal and aim straight for it, good luck
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