Is anyone bottom heavy?
I am wondering if there are people out there that have problems losing weight off their bottom half. I have always carried most of me extra weight in my legs. It seems that no matter what I do that is where it goes first. I have lost weight all over but still am upset that I have so much still in my legs. Has anyone had…
Can you drink too much water?
It seems when I watch what I eat I am thirsty a lot and drink more water. I have a desk job and sit a fair amount of the day which makes it easy for me to drink a lot of water/fluids. I was wondering if it's bad for me to drink a lot water. I know they recommend atleast 8 glasses a day but I am sure that I actually consume…
Is anyone watching carbs? Please help.
I started MFP 16 days ago. I have lost 12 Lbs so far. I am wondering if anyone is watching carbs? I lost weight on Atkins in the past and it was pretty easy. I did gain some of it back but that is becasue I was stupid and started eating a lot of carbs agin. My body loves carbs and craves them in the worst way and then I…
Do you ever want to punch someone??
So I was just out on my walk during my lunch break and some jerk (this isn't the name I would use) had to call to me "Hey fat chick!" :mad: I keep walking of course because his behavior doesn't deserve any amount of attention. But WHY DO PEOPLE ACT LIKE THAT???? So 2 things happened as a result of this stupid comment. He…