dkabambe Member

  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    @dpwellman - Thanks for the tip about Magnesium. I do have some Epsom Salts so will chuck them in a bath tomorrow if the calf still feels as it does. Not sure how I'll feel tomorrow, but right now on…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    Today was my first half marathon - in fact my first race ever. I spent the last few days debating whether to go with the 1h55 or the 2h00 pacers, but decided a couple of days ago to go for 1h55. Afte…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    Hangover/tiredness got the better of me yesterday so didn't get out for the 45-minute fast run I wanted to. Given my HM is Sunday and I want to do well (my first race) I decided not to replace it lik…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    Was due to do 45 mins steady today, but was anything but. I accidentally turned off pace announcements so ran by feel - attempting to hit 5:27/km which would be the faster pace I might go for on Sund…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    @OSUbuckeye906 Sorry to rub it in but another glorious running day today, (in fact glad I went out this morning as due to hit 15C later). Downside is going to need to do some serious work to even thi…