March 2017 Running Challenge



  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @OSUbuckeye906 I keep hoping someone will open a gym in this tiny town that offers childcare. Edson is such a weird place- we have so many of certain institutions (liquor stores, churches, gyms) for a town of 9000 but it's like they are afraid to not be identical to the others...and then they wonder why they go under more often than not. So we have five, maybe six gyms right now but not one with childcare or runners track!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Ran in thigh high snow on trail today though so I am markedly less depressed...for now -_-
    Yet another reason why there's no equivalent to Velominati Rule 9* for runners: It would be superfluous. B)

    By the way, all the snow we got yesterday was gone by the time the sun went down. Today was clear, sunny, with a high of 51°F like yesterday never happened.

    *Except lightning. Momma didn't raise no fool
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @JessicaMcB Not really running, but I once went hiking in the Grand Tetons; lost the trail, and ended up in shoulder-high snow without snow shoes. It was late May and above freezing, so it was soft. I kept post-holing and falling through with nearly every step. And every time, I would have to dig my way / climb out of the hole. With nearly every single step.

    I ended up finally just deciding to 'walk' on my shins over the snow (to simulate snow shoes) until I could get back to the trail. It was exhausting.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Aargh! So I missed Thursday run due to not feeling well. Ran 7 Friday. Then Saturday was 35F and pouring rain all day that eventually turned to sleet and snow in the late afternoon. Went to a concert, got 4 hours sleep last night! Made it to church this morning, helped my husband pack for a business trip.....and was gonna run around 5:30 when this whole thing came up of scrambling to throw together a rushed memorial service for a church member who passed away. So back to the church. No run.

    Tomorrow I'll see my husband off, work, then straight to the church for visitation with the family. BUT Tuesday I'm taking off work completely to cook for the family and attend the actual memorial service, so I should be able to get a nice run in before I start cooking.

    Then the question is do I make up a missed run Wednesday or keep my planned rest day to hopefully get back on track. I don't need the rest day bc I did nothing Saturday or Sunday but then it'll be a long wait for the next rest day. Lol. I dunno.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    @midwesterner85 Dude! That sounds terrifying. That was almost me, except it was Glacier in June (Logan Pass) and I chickened out long before I started sinking to knee level. Now I have been stuck in quicksand before. . . .
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Anyone know of any virtual races with bling?

    I've done 8 HMs and only got bling for one of them, but I think I might like to get something as a memento for the 30 km I'm planning to do on my own soon.

  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @WhatMeRunning it wasn't my best time but wasn't my first time out in deep snow either. I wondered about whether or not I'm an idiot for a second when I was trying to stick a pretty decent hill (mind you only knee high snow at this point) in these though, haha:


    @dpwellman I am so jealous! It's such a weird year for weather here imo. It's supposed to be 6 degrees tomorrow!!! Excited for that since it'll be my last run before my husband gets back.

    @midwesterner85 that sounds scary! Good thing you were a smart cookie shinning it down!
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    13/03 - Sort of Cardio day off - 3 mile Interval, combined with Chest & Core workout
    Feeling surprisingly well after yesterdays TM HM, must have been my hot-tub visit


    11/03 - 10K Run The Solar System (thanks for the tip) - 52:01
    12/03 - TM Half Marathon (plugged in the MK HM route - attempt 1  ) - 1:54:02
    Coming up:
    • 01/05 - Milton Keynes HM
    • 18/06 - Run-Bedford-Run - 10K
    • 02/09 - Bedford HM
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ Fantastic news on signing up for the Geneva marathon!

    01 - 13.30
    02 - 9.87
    03 - 18.13
    06 - 13.37
    07 - 7.13
    08 - 13.37
    09 - 10.27
    10 - 18.43
    13 - 13.34

    Total: 117.21 / 200 miles