March 2017 Running Challenge



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Question....what should I consider a short run? I was thinking to try to get in 2-3 miles tomorrow morning, and then maybe something a little longer (5-6) on Saturday or Sunday, does that sound reasonable?
    Tough call. Trying to plan the best distance when I just started back to running was the toughest call of all. You shouldn't have lost all that much in comparison, so you're probably good to just start back with a short run mileage from about a month ago. Your judgement is best, you know best where you're at and possibly capable of. Good luck!

    I agree. Keep in mind that starting back is always a bit difficult and that first mile is going to be mainly getting all of the creeks out. It will (should) probably be slow and may even be a bit painful. I would try to run three miles if you feel up to it and, when trying to gauge how ready you are to get back into the swing of things, put a heavy emphasis on how you feel towards the end of the run rather than first starting out. If you find yourself getting stronger towards the end of the run, then you can probably ramp it up quite a bit on your next one. If it becomes more of a struggle as you go, then you probably need to take it more slowly.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @Elise4270 - Ugh! Had a bout of that last summer. It hurt like a SOB. I was able to run through it, but had to greatly reduce mileage and pace for 2+ months. Why so long for the shot? I switched to more time on the stationary bike too...didn't hurt at all.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    That would be cool! But there's been no mention of horses. I suspect something more like drones or something hi-tech!
    19 Delta:
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    iofred wrote: »
    ctlaws44 wrote: »

    I have the same problem with going too fast as well. I've set my running app to verbally tell me when I go too fast or slow.
    Which running app are you using, as mine (Runkeeper) tells me my pace (and calls me Maggot), but I need one to tell me to slow down (or up my pace if I go too slow), so an app where you can pre-set a pace would be great. Should not be too hard, and you could do it with Garmin, where you could create trainings, but not certain if you can still do that with "Connect"

    The workout planner in connect still has the pace setting. Looping to a certain distance or time (which I like to use) rather than set number of intervals, unfortunately not - I still have to use training center for that.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    karllundy wrote: »
    @Elise4270 - Ugh! Had a bout of that last summer. It hurt like a SOB. I was able to run through it, but had to greatly reduce mileage and pace for 2+ months. Why so long for the shot? I switched to more time on the stationary bike too...didn't hurt at all.

    Wow, glad you were able to work through it! That's encouraging! It IS incredibly painful.

    April is their next opening :frowning: really hoping I'll get a call that they have an opening earlier. I just keep on the gentle stretching and some NSAID gel as much as I can tolerate. And resist the urge to massage it. :scream:
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    lennyt91 wrote: »
    My face when I see people running my whole March goal in one run... (10 miles)


    Love it!!!!
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    Date - Mi - MTD
    3/1 - 1.26 - 1.26
    3/2 - 6.00 - 7.26
    3/3 - 1.43 - 8.69
    3/6 - 3.55 -12.24
    3/7 - 1.20 - 13.44
    3/8 - 6.00 - 19.44
    3/9 - 4.20 - 23.64
    Miles remaining 46.36

    I have a huge problem with pace. I start out too fast and slow down to a crawl during the middle of most of my runs. I'm going start setting a runkeeper pace workouts for all my runs.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @MNLittleFinn yay for getting back out there! I would aim for 3 on short and would just go with it on long run and see where you land. Excited to hear how you make out!

    @lennyt91 Haha, love it!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @ariceroni, perhaps I'm not a perfectionist, but if my splits came that close to my goal pace, I'd be very happy!

    I'm not an expert, having just two HMs and one full under my belt, but for a full I switched to maintenance 4 weeks prior and 1 week after. For a half I switched to maintenance 2 weeks prior and immediately after. I think you're right, you do want to switch to maintenance before your race. For a 10 mile I'd switch 2 weeks out.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Regarding pace, for those with Garmins, you can set an alert to beep and vibrate your watch when you get above or below a certain pace. I used to use it a lot, but hardly use it. I would in a 5K or 10K though. It helps to make sure I don't start out to fast and alerts me if I inadvertently slow down too much. Not good for trail racing!! That dang watch was beeping and vibrating incessantly when going up hills and I did that a lot. I think you can also set it to alert you of heart rate ranges.

    @garygse When summer kicks in, I'll welcome running in the dark before sunrise. Lol!

    @MNLittleFinn I would just see how your 1st run goes and make a judgement call from there. I might start with 2 to 3 miles. If there is no pain and you feel good, you can bump it up on your next run. I would try to be on the conservative side so you don't re-injure yourself. I hope your 1st run goes well!!

  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    Regarding pace, for those with Garmins, you can set an alert to beep and vibrate your watch when you get above or below a certain pace. I used to use it a lot, but hardly use it. I would in a 5K or 10K though. It helps to make sure I don't start out to fast and alerts me if I inadvertently slow down too much. Not good for trail racing!! That dang watch was beeping and vibrating incessantly when going up hills and I did that a lot. I think you can also set it to alert you of heart rate ranges.

    @garygse When summer kicks in, I'll welcome running in the dark before sunrise. Lol!

    @MNLittleFinn I would just see how your 1st run goes and make a judgement call from there. I might start with 2 to 3 miles. If there is no pain and you feel good, you can bump it up on your next run. I would try to be on the conservative side so you don't re-injure yourself. I hope your 1st run goes well!!

    bwahaha- I'm pretty sure I'd want to throw the thing off a cliff if I enabled that on a trail run. Useful for races - it's easy for the adrenalin to get the better of you and not realize you're starting out too fast.

    Yep- you can set heart rate and cadence targets as well.

    Training Center software (obsoleted by garmin, but still available somewhere on their web site for download):

    Garmin Connect:

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited March 2017
    @ariceroni I'm also not an expert, but I am facing a similar question right now. I'm nearing the end of my fat loss and have about 5-7 lbs. of fat yet to lose (estimate to achieve goal of 10%, but I'm getting a dexa scan done 4/14 to find out for sure). I have a tough 12K trail race on 4/1 and HM on 6/24. After the HM on 6/24, I plan to go wilderness backpacking for about a week (both at much higher elevation, an additional factor).

    To me, the plan goes back to my goals and where I am for fitness at this point. Your goals may be different, but my first concern right now is fat loss because I have no concerns about achieving the goals of completing those races. I would like to focus on losing fat first and foremost, and improving pacing / timing on those races second.

    As such, I feel like I do have 2 competing goals from now until 4/1 - fat loss as the primary goal and improving running performance as a secondary goal. My road pace times are pretty close to yours and cadence is usually around 170. Trail pace is lower and cadence is about 140. Though I've been running on occasion for the last 2 years, I really didn't get serious until Nov. 2016; so I know there is improvement possible. I just want to get the extra fat out of the way first.

    As a result of my goal, here is my plan:
    Now - 4/1: Continue running and eating at small deficit to lose fat.
    4/1: 12K Trail race, goal to complete and not be last (No problem expected, even if pace is slow)
    4/2 - 4/14: Increase deficit, continue to run for fat loss, but focus less on performance.
    4/14: Dexa scan, RMR, and VO2 max tests. Make some new goals to lose fat (if needed) and improve endurance.
    4/15 - 6/24: Follow new plan for fat loss first (if needed) and endurance second.*
    6/24: HM at elevations ranging from 4K-5K ft. higher than where I live and train.
    *Regardless, I plan to have a big cheat weekend at the end of April for my birthday. It will take time to recover from that.
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    ritzvin wrote: »
    Regarding pace, for those with Garmins, you can set an alert to beep and vibrate your watch when you get above or below a certain pace. I used to use it a lot, but hardly use it. I would in a 5K or 10K though. It helps to make sure I don't start out to fast and alerts me if I inadvertently slow down too much. Not good for trail racing!! That dang watch was beeping and vibrating incessantly when going up hills and I did that a lot. I think you can also set it to alert you of heart rate ranges.

    @garygse When summer kicks in, I'll welcome running in the dark before sunrise. Lol!

    @MNLittleFinn I would just see how your 1st run goes and make a judgement call from there. I might start with 2 to 3 miles. If there is no pain and you feel good, you can bump it up on your next run. I would try to be on the conservative side so you don't re-injure yourself. I hope your 1st run goes well!!

    bwahaha- I'm pretty sure I'd want to throw the thing off a cliff if I enabled that on a trail run. Useful for races - it's easy for the adrenalin to get the better of you and not realize you're starting out too fast.

    Yup, I have no idea why I turned it on during that race. It was annoying the crap out of me and once it's on, I don't think you can turn it off unless you stop tracking, and I wasn't willing to do that! Lesson learned...will not make that mistake again. Lol!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn yay for getting back out there! I would aim for 3 on short and would just go with it on long run and see where you land. Excited to hear how you make out!!
    Thanks! I decided to reschedule my test run. tomorrow morning is supposed to be -9F with a -27 windchill and I wimped out...So I'm running tonight when the temp is above zero