pzarnosky Member

  • Re: Shin splits

    Take a break and let them heal before your body doesn't give you another option. When I first started running years ago I had the same mindset. I ran through my shin splints. Then I got to the point …
  • Re: Weight loses for infertility

    Ketogenic (low carb) diets are recommended often for PCOS patients. There's a lot of threads on here about it. Try looking under the nutrition section.
  • Re: Cold water bath

    That's why I wanted to try it. I have known about it for a long time but never had the guts and grit to convince myself it would be worthwhile :) From a biology/biochemistry perspective it really has…
  • Cold water bath

    I just tried my first cold water bath after a 12.2 mile run on a warm, sunny spring day in the mitten. I was surprised to find I enjoyed it. The getting in part sucked, lol a lot. But once you're in …
  • Re: Can someone help me out here please?

    Yup. Hard truth is that you (most of us mortals) can't out run/bike/whatever a bad diet. Weight loss is not an even balance between diet and exercise. It's mostly how much you eat compared to how muc…