dewd2 Member

  • Re: Calorie adjustment - tiny bit confused!

    The calories MFP sets up are assuming you do nothing other than your typical activities. When you do purposeful exercise MFP adds those calories to your daily total. In many cases MFP overestimates t…
  • Re: Calorie counting. Does it work for you?

    MFP is a tool. If you learn how to use and you are completely honest with yourself (log everything accurately), it will work. You have to have patience and you have to understand it is a process. The…
  • Re: Jogging partner wanted

    Check running groups in your area on Facebook. Do you have a local running store? Often you can find groups there. Also Meetup sometimes has groups (if they don't create one). *This advice works much…
  • Re: How long does it take you to jog/run a mile?

    Looking at the responses from 2008 there was a member pushing a stroller with a baby. That 'baby' is now a teenager (or darn close to it). BTW - 6:15 was the last mile race I ran. There, back on topi…
  • Re: First time running

    Take it slow. If you can't talk to your kiddo while running you're going too fast. And I agree with the C2K suggestion (or something similar). Just be careful. Running is very addictive (like that's …