dewd2 Member

  • Re: Sugar

    No, it does not assuming you are in a calorie deficit. Sugar is not as evil as you've been told. I personally don't care at all how much I eat (I have no medical reason to care) as long as it doesn't…
  • Re: Caloric amt goes up with exercise?

    MFP takes it's best guess at how many calories you burn per day. It then takes that number and subtracts some to create a calorie deficit (calories in vs calories out). When you increase the calories…
  • Re: Jogging/running is HARD!

    Be careful here. Once you get to longer distances you need fuel and you always need water.
  • Re: Jogging/running is HARD!

    Take it slow. If you find yourself breathing heavy (no longer able to talk or sing), slow down (even if that means walking). Assuming no underlying condition, your lungs will adapt quickly.
  • Re: Is my heart rate to low?

    A few months ago I had a procedure done that required sedation and all the BS that goes with it. While bored laying there waiting for them to get me in I played a game. I tried as hard as I could (ie…