Re: Looking for friends who don't eat "clean" and healthy
HOW HOW HOW did I miss this post??? Let's just say, I eat.5 -
Re: Missed Opportunities
^^^Truth! It does tend to complicate things. As long as you have kids, you always have to deal with him, forever and ever.2 -
Re: Inflammation
I think it refers mostly to joint inflammation. Not sure, I'm just here for the cake. :D2 -
Re: What's your Occupation?
I sit at a desk, take up space and breathe air. Oh, and sort papers. They pay me to sort papers.3 -
Re: Are GMOs bad for you?
38 countries have banned them as of October 2015 even though some participate in the growing. http://sustainablepulse.com/2015/10/22/gm-crops-now-banned-in-36-countries-worldwide-sustainable-pulse-re…2