dlkfox Member

  • Re: IBS, maybe?

    I would suggest going to an allergist and getting a food panel done. I am allergic to dairy -- and sometimes my symptoms don't occur until 12+ hours later...definitely not the last meal I ate.
  • Re: Following calories/logging but not losing weight.

    How long have you not seen a change? With so little to lose, you are only going to see a small change on the scale (half pound a week), which can be easily masked by water weight fluctuation any give…
  • Re: Question about eating...

    Eating more one day and less the other is just fine; it's the binging aspect that is troublesome. Figuring out why or what triggers eating like that is what you need to figure out. I would recommend …
  • Re: Chinese.....need a plan

    I have been known to ask for a to-go box at the beginning so I won't be tempted to eat more.
  • Re: Chinese.....need a plan

    Look up chicken with snow peas. It's awesome and not too bad on the calorie count. Really no "no no's" since you can eat whatever you want that fits in your daily calories or weekly average…