IBS, maybe?

Several years ago, I went through some issues with my stomach, sudden bloating, gas, constipation, etc. I saw a GI specialist, who ran test, but since everything was normal and I wasn't in a flare up, we let it ride. I kept gluten and unhealthy carbs to a minimum, work out daily and am overall healthy.
About 2.5 weeks ago, I have a small serving of pasta at a dinner party and have basically been paying ever since. That night I became gassy, bloated nauseous and miserable. Throughout that weekend, I kept gluten to a minimum, as well as increased greens and such. I became constipated and the bloating continued. I've seen reduced the bloating, as well as the constipation (with a lot of work), and kept my diet normal (prior to the initial issue). Since the first night, my weight has jumped 6 pounds. I am still experiencing the gas and some bloating. Has anyone experienced this? What did you do?


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    do you eat fermented anything, like kefir or yogurt or kimchi? I had something like this after I took a SUPER POWERFUL antibiotic (that had the side effect of killing my gut flora). And it took MONTHS of daily kimchi eating to get back to normal (not that I'm complaining about eating kimchi!)
  • danielle0400
    danielle0400 Posts: 47 Member
    edited June 2016
    @WBB55-No, actually I don't... Without sounds like I live under a rock, what kimchi?
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    With food intolerances and IBS I have perfected the bloating... Senna for the constipation, a painkiller for any pain. The bloating will eventually go down. Stick to non spicy food for a while to let the insides settle down. Drink plenty of fluids and remember parts of the 6lbs will be pure "waste" I find once my body is back to normal that the extra pounds drops back off again.

  • danielle0400
    danielle0400 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks, I didn't do senna-- I did other laxatives, plus miralax.
    I'll get some senna to be prepared.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    If I get constipated I generally stick with soup for a while or do some meal replacement shakes, simply because they give me what I need and help stop some of that extra bloating (actual food takes up more room) whilst I wait for the issue to resolve itself. I hope you are feeling better now.

    If you continue to get this issue I suggest keeping a food diary and include symptoms (including times) so you can show the correlation to the doctor to get a proper diagnosis.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    It could also be stress related. It's not all diet.
  • danielle0400
    danielle0400 Posts: 47 Member
    @MostlyWater- I thought about that too.. Just seems to be triggered by food rather than overly stressful times.
    @Bonny132 Thanks! Tracking definitely helps. I'll get the replacement shake in mind next time. That would probably help a lot.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    I go through this every other week. I'm currently seeing a GI doctor and have been through numerous tests and have several more scheduled. The only thing that seems to alleviate the issue for me is to go on a low fiber low solid diet for a few days. I'll make fresh juice and strain it several times, protien shakes with nondairy, nonsoy milk, and slowly reintroduce solid foods. It's horrible, I am so depressed over it. I take magnesium citrate tablets in the mornings and evenings and drink tons of water. My GI doctor gave me lizness, but I haven't seen where they're too effective, but it does help keep pain lower, I take two a day. If I'm really bad off ill chug a couple of containers of magnesium citrate liquid along with mineral oil and that gets stuff moving a little. I too hve cut out gluten and while it has helped some, I still suffer.

    Be careful with stimulant laxatives like senna, correctol, etc as they can make the situation worse and more permanent in the long run. Also, be careful with painkillers as they can also add to the issue. Other things to try are fermented foods, probiotics, mineral oil, and enemas. Also look into the FODMAP diet, and try keeping your carb intake low to see if anything improves. Good luck!
  • MynameisChester
    MynameisChester Posts: 107 Member
    The first thing is to keep a diary of your food (which I'm assuming you do already w/ mfp) in addition to a diary recording your symptoms and bowel habits. See if you can find a pattern. If it is IBS (since GI tests are negative), stress seems to exacerbate the symptoms. Generally when people with IBS regulate their stress levels, symptoms appear to alleviate.
  • danielle0400
    danielle0400 Posts: 47 Member
    @MynameisChester Thanks!!
    @MorganMoreaux Thanks! I have tried to limit laxatives just because I know they can cause issues in the long run. I'll probably try a non-solid diet if it happens again.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    @MynameisChester Thanks!!
    @MorganMoreaux Thanks! I have tried to limit laxatives just because I know they can cause issues in the long run. I'll probably try a non-solid diet if it happens again.

    Osmotic laxatives are fine to take daily, stuff like Miralax and magnesium citrate. Miralax works great in high frequent doses with a lot of water, but I find sometimes it make the intestines feel raw and causes additional bloating and nausea. The no solid diet is the pits but it's the only thing I've found that calms the tract down. I usually have to do it for three days. I use Orgain vegan shakes during this time because they have a lot of nutrients and are not dairy or soy based as those two ingredients cause many people issues, including myself. When you go back to solids try getting 40% of your calories from healthy fats. I've been really increasing my fat intake and it seems to help keep things normal for longer.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I have switched to low cal, high fat and proteins, which is much more agreeable to my insides. These tummy issues are no fun. They really can make our lives a mess. The moment my symptoms appears now I go purely liquid, no matter if it is constipation or the other as I know I need to calm my insides. I use rice milk instead of milk (almond milk often has additives that do not agree with me, and I do not like soya milk) and eat very plain food once I go back onto solids again.

    I try and keep meds to a minimum, peppermint tea is really soothing and aids digestion.

    Read labels on everything, you'll be amazed how many places gluten etc hides.
  • danielle0400
    danielle0400 Posts: 47 Member

    Osmotic laxatives are fine to take daily, stuff like Miralax and magnesium citrate.

    --- YES! I do Miralax daily, just started back with Citrulcel, per dr's recommendation. I feel like I am going backwards somedays.. Today is gassy and almost nauseous, but I guess it could be worse.
  • godlikepoetyes
    godlikepoetyes Posts: 442 Member
    I have gastroparesis, a motility disorder--delayed stomach emptying. There are so many different types of IBS and it's tricky to treat them. All of the things that are supposed to be "good" for health can be very bad for me--Fiber. Anything hard to digest like fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, dried fruit. As one poster said, I have to have a low-residue diet and a diet pretty low in fat. Both fiber and fat slow digestion which leads to the bloating and terrible constipation and PAIN. I'll do fine for a while and then get careless, like yesterday--had nuts and a lot of fat. I'm paying for it today. I hope you figure out what is wrong and get proper treatment.
  • godlikepoetyes
    godlikepoetyes Posts: 442 Member
    I go through this every other week. I'm currently seeing a GI doctor and have been through numerous tests and have several more scheduled. The only thing that seems to alleviate the issue for me is to go on a low fiber low solid diet for a few days. I'll make fresh juice and strain it several times, protien shakes with nondairy, nonsoy milk, and slowly reintroduce solid foods. It's horrible, I am so depressed over it. I take magnesium citrate tablets in the mornings and evenings and drink tons of water. My GI doctor gave me lizness, but I haven't seen where they're too effective, but it does help keep pain lower, I take two a day. If I'm really bad off ill chug a couple of containers of magnesium citrate liquid along with mineral oil and that gets stuff moving a little. I too hve cut out gluten and while it has helped some, I still suffer.

    Be careful with stimulant laxatives like senna, correctol, etc as they can make the situation worse and more permanent in the long run. Also, be careful with painkillers as they can also add to the issue. Other things to try are fermented foods, probiotics, mineral oil, and enemas. Also look into the FODMAP diet, and try keeping your carb intake low to see if anything improves. Good luck!

    Your symptoms sound so much like mine. Have you had a gastric emptying study?
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    I go through this every other week. I'm currently seeing a GI doctor and have been through numerous tests and have several more scheduled. The only thing that seems to alleviate the issue for me is to go on a low fiber low solid diet for a few days. I'll make fresh juice and strain it several times, protien shakes with nondairy, nonsoy milk, and slowly reintroduce solid foods. It's horrible, I am so depressed over it. I take magnesium citrate tablets in the mornings and evenings and drink tons of water. My GI doctor gave me lizness, but I haven't seen where they're too effective, but it does help keep pain lower, I take two a day. If I'm really bad off ill chug a couple of containers of magnesium citrate liquid along with mineral oil and that gets stuff moving a little. I too hve cut out gluten and while it has helped some, I still suffer.

    Be careful with stimulant laxatives like senna, correctol, etc as they can make the situation worse and more permanent in the long run. Also, be careful with painkillers as they can also add to the issue. Other things to try are fermented foods, probiotics, mineral oil, and enemas. Also look into the FODMAP diet, and try keeping your carb intake low to see if anything improves. Good luck!

    Your symptoms sound so much like mine. Have you had a gastric emptying study?

    I have one scheduled in July. I had a cat scan Monday. I too suffer from gastroparesis and also have slow motility. It's terrible. Last night I had a reasonable dinner early and it wouldn't digest - literally just sat there fermenting until I vomited. I just hate it. Normally I eat dinner later so it stays there all night and I'm sick in the morning. The gastroparesis is fairly new for me, within the last three years. I have no idea what triggers it and there is no consistent pattern. What do you do to help yours? The quality of my life is so low right now because of these issues I am at my wits end and scared for the future. I don't know why this is happening because I have never been obese or had any other health issues and all my bloodwork is stellar. So frustrating.
  • godlikepoetyes
    godlikepoetyes Posts: 442 Member
    I go through this every other week. I'm currently seeing a GI doctor and have been through numerous tests and have several more scheduled. The only thing that seems to alleviate the issue for me is to go on a low fiber low solid diet for a few days. I'll make fresh juice and strain it several times, protien shakes with nondairy, nonsoy milk, and slowly reintroduce solid foods. It's horrible, I am so depressed over it. I take magnesium citrate tablets in the mornings and evenings and drink tons of water. My GI doctor gave me lizness, but I haven't seen where they're too effective, but it does help keep pain lower, I take two a day. If I'm really bad off ill chug a couple of containers of magnesium citrate liquid along with mineral oil and that gets stuff moving a little. I too hve cut out gluten and while it has helped some, I still suffer.

    Be careful with stimulant laxatives like senna, correctol, etc as they can make the situation worse and more permanent in the long run. Also, be careful with painkillers as they can also add to the issue. Other things to try are fermented foods, probiotics, mineral oil, and enemas. Also look into the FODMAP diet, and try keeping your carb intake low to see if anything improves. Good luck!

    Your symptoms sound so much like mine. Have you had a gastric emptying study?

    I have one scheduled in July. I had a cat scan Monday. I too suffer from gastroparesis and also have slow motility. It's terrible. Last night I had a reasonable dinner early and it wouldn't digest - literally just sat there fermenting until I vomited. I just hate it. Normally I eat dinner later so it stays there all night and I'm sick in the morning. The gastroparesis is fairly new for me, within the last three years. I have no idea what triggers it and there is no consistent pattern. What do you do to help yours? The quality of my life is so low right now because of these issues I am at my wits end and scared for the future. I don't know why this is happening because I have never been obese or had any other health issues and all my bloodwork is stellar. So frustrating.

    Morgan, Add me.

    Have you read Living Well with Gastroparesis and Eating for Gastroparesis? These are excellent and will give you excellent advice and help. I was diagnosed last year, just as I began my weight loss. There is sometimes no rhyme or reason to the flares and I go in and out of flares, but things are better right now. Stress is a HUGE trigger for me.

    I found a new, and better doctor who explained that I didn't have to give up fresh vegetables and fruits forever. He suggested a smoothie made in a Vitamix, so I invested the money and got the personal version. I do well with the smoothies. What I don't do well with is adding cooked veggies back into my diet. And eating things I KNOW are just plain stupid, like nuts and lots of fat. I had lentils Saturday. I had a bit of salad last night. I know better. I pay the price.

    One thing that helps me a lot is NOT eating at night. I stop at 4 pm and don't eat again until breakfast. When I have a terrible flare I have to be careful of my liquid intake.

    I also have serious GERD and had my gallbladder out last year. It's hard, especially in social situations. People just cannot wrap their minds around a diet with no fresh fruits and vegetables. No beans. No nuts or seeds. It's sad, but I am slowly figuring it out.

    I think I do best with a simple smoothie--kale, banana, frozen mango, cucumber. Still trying to see if celery is ok. The author of the books, Crystal S., if marvelous. I understand the disease now. I also saw my nutritionist and she put my mind at ease--I won't die if I get all my nutrients from Orgain and sometimes that's what it takes, though I've not gone through that in months.

    Text me. We can exchange ideas and info.

  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    I would suggest going to an allergist and getting a food panel done.

    I am allergic to dairy -- and sometimes my symptoms don't occur until 12+ hours later...definitely not the last meal I ate.
  • danielle0400
    danielle0400 Posts: 47 Member
    @dlkfox Thanks! I was thinking about getting into mine soon.
  • godlikepoetyes
    godlikepoetyes Posts: 442 Member
    Have you had the breath tests for SIBO, Lactose Intolerance, and Fructose Mal-absorption? These are simple tests. My insurance covered them. I also had a full food panel done--wasn't allergic to anything. Here is my constipation cure--warm prune juice, about 5 oz., every morning. I also have a dose of Miralax in my hot latte every morning.