vanmep Member

  • Re: How to stay out of the fridge during the weekend?

    At our house we joke that we don’t bring junk food through the door because that increases the chances of it getting in our mouth. My other main strategy is to keep my hands busy. While watching tv I…
  • Re: Mental Block

    I think there are all kinds of mental games people play that contribute to weight gain in the first place and weeding out those thought patterns and habits is at least half the battle in weight loss.…
  • Re: Reducing LDL Cholesterol

    Maintain a healthy weight, exercise and avoid eating animal products. Your body produces some of its own but your diet and lifestyle can prevent additional.
  • Re: Can't Stop NIght Snacking

    I plan my snacks. Fudgesicles, sugar free jello, Good Thins crackers with skinny cow cheese are all good low calorie options. Then I keep my hands busy with crocheting or puzzles while I watch tv as …
  • Re: Stroke Survivor age 39

    Hello fellow stroke survivor! I also had a stroke in May 2020. I was shocked at the fatigue level afterwards. How could a teeny tiny blood clot cause that much devastation??? I am in my 50’s and I ha…