spiriteagle99 Member

  • Re: Why isn't the scale moving?

    Usually it is an issue with logging. Are you logging every bite you eat or drink? Do you weigh your food? Are you careful about which entries you use from the database? How long have you been trying …
  • Re: Eating at night

    I can't sleep if I'm really hungry, so I generally will have a snack before I go to bed. I keep it light:100-200 calories. It can be fruit, cheese, milk, bread and butter, etc. As long as it fits wit…
  • Re: Sugar Cravings are killing me

    Don't use exercise as punishment. Exercise is for health or for fun, but if you use it to punish yourself for overeating you'll just come to hate it. A couple of ideas: what can you substitute for th…
  • Re: Free yoga reccomendations

    Yoga with Adrienne is on you-tube. She has some 30 day programs that are good, as well as individual sessions. They aren't true beginner level, IMO, but they will give you a start. You can also googl…
  • Re: Workouts and calories

    I log every workout, including walking the dog. (He gets 2-3 miles every day, spread over 2-3 walks.) The only time I wouldn't log something is if it was less than 15 minutes, as the calorie count wo…