ceiswyn Member

  • Re: Weight stalled for 4 days - any advice to push ahead?

    You are not going to see faster progress, and it would be unhealthy for you to do so. Staying the same weight for a few days is entirely normal. Like most people, what you need to change is your expe…
  • Re: Over 350? ME TOO!

    I started at a completely sedentary 385, back in 2016. I currently weigh 145, and regard an 18 mile hike as an enjoyable stroll. So this CAN be done, and don’t let anything persuade you otherwise!
  • Re: Set point theory

    This. You are not currently 'getting help' here at all; because you are too busy getting angry and attacking people for imagined insults to actually take in any of the help that you claim to want. Yo…
  • Re: For Success, What Mentally Changed For You?

    I suddenly realised that my understanding of hunger was all wrong. I'd thought of it as a purely physical drive, something that I couldn't affect or change. Understanding that the starving, unbearabl…
  • Re: What are your more stubborn areas?

    Thighs, hips and stomach. I have collarbones I can get a grip around and you can count my upper ribs from the front. I also have a podgy tummy. I am bitter :) (But not very bitter. Having spent my en…