5lambert Member

  • Re: Serial Starters

    We had storms last night so I slept well, but still wimped out on going to a new exercise class this morning. I could do more summers being off work but instead seem to do less. We do walk the dogs e…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2018

    Yep, but when you go full you end up with nothing good to eat and then go out and eat too much :)
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2018

    Hi all (most likely again) as I've been here- and all WW online places- many times. I am currently thinking of tracking here again for the extra information instead of my itrackbites app, which is si…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Hi all. I have been off and on with WW, the free Itrackbites app (usually classic), spark, my fitness pal etc. My new serial start is summer (I'm off), 60 and retiring next year, a cruise planned for…