grace42c Member

  • Re: Question on 1200 calories for us small folks

    Ok, ran the calorie estimator from set up.1400 calories a day to maintain at my current activity level, 1200 if I want to lose 0.5 pounds a week, which I don’t. That sounds doable. I was worried it w…
  • Re: never mind

    If you are still out there, first listen the advice of the people who weigh their food- they have been successful and in reading in forum I have learned they make amazing strides. Second eliminate th…
  • Re: never mind

    My BMR is 1100 a day, so I eat under 1200 every day. But under 1000 is really low. You most likely will not be able to sustain such a low calorie count. Why don’t you eat breakfast? You could get 200…
  • Re: Advice Please

    First stop talking about negatives. Let the past go. Second maybe walk on the treadmill or if they have a track, walk there. If you can do 20 minutes, that is great. Then walk around the whole gym an…
  • Re: Food allergies and grocery budgets - what do you do to keep costs down?

    My son was on a strict elimination diet when he was 7-12 years old. We slowly figured out what he really could not tolerate. 33 foods were off limits to start. Everything from oranges to pork and eve…