lgfrie Member

  • Re: How to lose 40 lbs?

    Go to the MFP Goals tool. Enter your age, gender, height, weight, etc., and tell it you want to lose 1 pound per week. It will give you a calorie target. Eat that calorie target every day and don't t…
  • Re: Loosing weight tips?

    There's no mystery or magic to it. All you have to do is control your caloric intake. Weight loss is simultaneously a challenging thing to do, because it fights our conditioned habits and urges to st…
  • Re: Advice please

    I totally get your problem right now, because I, and I suspect pretty much everyone or most people here, have gone through the same at various points. For me, it's happened multiple times over the pa…
  • Re: Steps or Miles?

    Just wanted to say that I totally enjoyed this post.
  • Re: Reducing calories

    Technically speaking, you burn around 5-6 calories less for every pound you lose, subject to various things like your weight, gender, etc. So after losing 10 lbs, you're losing around 50-60 calories …