Loosing weight tips?

I'm looking for some advice's on loosing weight since I'm a 19 y/o male that is about 95KG (15 stone) and would like to loose some weight to get skinnier and hopefully build up some muscle but can't find the right way to get started.

Looking to weight about 65/70 kg with good build up body.


  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    There's no mystery or magic to it. All you have to do is control your caloric intake. Weight loss is simultaneously a challenging thing to do, because it fights our conditioned habits and urges to stuff our faces, and s one of the easiest things to do, because all you have to do is eat less, which isn't quite like getting a Ph.D. or becoming an MMA champion.
    • Go to the MFP Goals tab, enter your personal info (age, weight, etc.), tell it how fast you want to lose weight (e.g. 1 lb per week), and it will spit out a number. Eat that number of calories every day, no more, no less. Try not to take cheat meals/days, or at least minimize them as much as you can for a while. Your weight will drop, most likely within a few % of the pounds per week you told MFP you want to lose.
    • Try to count your calories accurately. A food scale can help a lot if you're cooking. This is a super important part of it.
    • You can eat whatever you want as long as it fits within MFP's suggested calories. Obviously it is better to eat "healthy" foods, but losing weight is the healthiest thing you can do by orders of magnitude, so focusing on that and getting that one thing right will bury anything else you could do food-wise as far as health is concerned. Fussing with fads like macros, sugar-hate, gluten-hate, carb-hate, and so on can be distracting at first. You can circle back to those things later if you want. Right now, just nail the calories and pocket the gains. By the time you lose 20 or 30 pounds, the Internet swarm will have probably moved onto something else, like food dye hate or micronutrient imbalance or some other thingamabob, so time is on your side as far as chasing trends is concerned.
    • Quitting drinking or at least radically cutting back can really help maintain calorie control, if you're a drinker.