sgt1372 Member

  • Re: 147 lbs, 5'2"

    As a professional boxing fan of over 50 yrs, here's what I've learned about boxers (some very good ones) who decide or are forced to move up in the wt class that they compete in. Boxers who have diff…
  • Re: Do you have a Pedometer

    I have been using a free Android app called "Pedometer" made by ITO Industries for years. Don't know if it's available for iPhones or not It is simple to operate, runs in background if you …
  • Re: I. F. Question

    This is a dup of post I just left in another IF thread that also seemed relevant here too. IF just controls when you eat, not necessarily how much you eat. I did 16:8 IF for awhile. It didn't help or…
  • Re: Down jackets and back shoulder straps

    FWIW, I never backpacked in weather cold enuf 2 need a down jacket BUT, if I did, I'd probably have worn a light gortex (or similar) rain jacket over it which would have minimize any wear from straps…
  • Re: Vitamin D

    I was VitD deficient. Discovered this only after a new doc ordered a blood test 4 it along w/a lot of other tests as a new px of his about 10 yrs ago He immediately gave me one of those RX only super…