DanaDark Member

  • Re: Under 1200?

    Any deficit will work. Given the above comments, you're 5'3" and 115? You probably have little muscle mass so every little bit of fat is just hanging there... no support. You're better off lifti…
  • Re: Calorie intake/ Activity Level

    You can go one of two routes: choose sedentary and then log everything you do or choose your activity level and not worry about logging each and every activity. We as people as well as MFP tends to g…
  • Re: My Dr is insisting that I need wt loss surgery

    I have zero qualms about this surgery. But I do think a second opinion is required before any drastic action. Additionally, you're not exercising and just sitting around at home... that can be change…
  • Re: How do I talk my Mom off the "Sugar is Toxic" ledge?

    I am gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that you embrace your mom's idea. Some of the author's you cited that she likes actually do not say avoid sugar at all cost. The argument is against empty…
  • Re: Fast food

    Fast food contains A LOT of sodium. So, be sure to have an extra amount of water to help offset it, and do keep in mind the idea of water retention due to sodium. Taco Bell has a series of healthier …