DanaDark Member


  • Lean meats and vegetables are you go to. Nobody on this green earth actually means no vegies when they say low-carb. Broccoli and celery are almost totally carb but I'd never listen to someone saying cut them out. Low-Carb traditionally means low-processed-carbs.
  • Yeah patience. Look at what you expected to be at vs what you saw. I am the same height and wanted to lose 1 pound a week. Second week (I forgot to measure the first week) I lose 5 pounds, third week 0.5 pounds, fourth week I lose 4 pounds, and then two weeks of "stalled". During this time I SHOULD have lost 6 pounds but…
  • For me, hunger pangs serve as a reminder that what I am doing is working. So, I try to think of the positive side and just get through it. Also, I typically only have them for maybe an hour and after that I no longer feel hungry for the rest of the day if I just get through it. However, low calorie snacks are my go to.…
  • You can't spot reduce. Simply continue to lose weight and it'll eventually come off the belly.
    in Belly Fat Comment by DanaDark March 2021
  • Sounds like you're rather addicted to sugar to the point that your health is now negatively affected. You should look into no sugar or low sugar versions of candies meant specifically for people with this issue. Simple carbs are a problem. Complex carbs are not. Nobody is getting diabetic eating celery and broccoli all…
  • IF is not much of a diet but rather a schedule of when you eat. You can easily gain weight while doing it. Honestly, it has been the only thing to really work for my weight loss goals due to how I naturally like to go about my life. 2 days of under 500 calories (not consecutive days). 3 days of MFP recommended deficit. And…
    in Fasting Comment by DanaDark March 2021
  • Low weight already. Not tracking calories. History of eating disorder.
  • I said it is too short of a period of time since you've started this routine to make any determination. Also, given your numbers, your deficit is not 1,500. You stated you lost 2kg in 20 days. 1 kg of fat is 7,700 calories. So, 2kg of fat is 15,400 calories. Divide that by 20 days and you have a roughly 770 calorie deficit…
  • Short period of time. Do not adjust anything. Many people see a sudden shift in weight when starting to lose fat. The reason is usually due to less water retention. Less food in you, less water needed to process it and water weighs a lot. The reverse can happen as well. Eat more over a weekend and it could seem like you…
  • Perhaps starting your own thread to discuss instead of bring back a 7 year old one from the dead?
  • Your chart shows what should be a .9 pound loss per week roughly. But you didn't get 3.6 pound loss for the month as you'd expect. As you acknowledged, waiting to get used to this routine will be good. From there, do your thing and see what happens. If you don't lose weight as fast as expected, move your goal down. In this…
  • For me, I have found 5:2 IF the thing that just hands down works for me (in combination with counting my calories). Reducing my calories 500 every day just left me feeling without all day, every day. And for me, snacking is a bane because I do not really consider exactly how much I am eating and weighing every snack mid TV…
  • You look exactly the same to me. Heck, looks like they all taken at the same time. So yeah, in your head. And its good you decided to get an opinion from people rather than doing anything dumb/drastic. It is definitely good to get that second opinion. The figure makes me think of a sports. Looks like you got string legs…
  • While losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is possible with body re-composition, it tends to be quite difficult to do for most people. A cutting/bulking cycle is far easier to manage. Given your stats, it is good you switched to a 500 calorie deficit instead of 1000, as that did seem way too low given your stats…
  • I find coffee to work well as a hunger suppressant. However, for me, I often find that if I eat breakfast in the morning when I am not very hungry I become hungry all day practically non-stop. If I wake up famished, then I can have breakfast and not experience this. So, I typically skip breakfast and wait to eat my first…
  • Hi there, don't worry yourself too much. You've got time. A big part of fat loss is knowing yourself. You got to know what is reasonable for you to do and what isn't. Some have great luck just cutting 500 calories from their TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) while other don't. I suggest that you set up your…
  • You've drastically altered your diet and exercise. 4 weeks isn't that much time to really determine if what you're doing is not working. Eating less will result in less water retention which will make it seem like fast weight loss at the start. Exercising more will result in significant water retention which will do the…
  • We don't have a lot to go on with this post. How long have you been dieting? How much are you eating? What are you eating? How much are you drinking? How much are you exercising? What is your TDEE? How long have you been the same weight? A bunch of information is missing to begin to help you.
  • Starting off can be pretty frustrating. A couple things come to mind when considering your situation... 1. 1 Week is not enough time to determine what is and is not working 2. Increased exercise will result in increased water retention 3. You can lose 1 pound of fat and gain 2 pounds of water, frustrating the matter. But…
  • These data points you're looking at are not needed and highly inaccurate anyway. To make any use of them, you need to try and control as many variables as you can. This is why people suggest weighing in same day of the week, in the morning before any fluids, after using the restroom, nude, etc. because even scales at home…
  • You'll likely need to consult your doctor. If you're experiencing dizziness without changes to your diet as you described, it is either unrelated to the amount you are eating, or is a result of prolonged eating things you probably shouldn't. Either way, unrelated to eating less.
  • Yeah, this opinion piece isn't very well researched or written. Good sites will often contain poorly written opinion pieces here and there. Overall, it seems the author misunderstands the purpose of "reverse-dieting". My basic understanding is it should be used to ease into a maintenance calorie level so that you simply…
  • Congratulations! The hard work is really paying off!
  • Usually after drinking you can actually weigh less due to dehydration, but I think you're fine. I practice something similar and last weekend I had cake, ice cream, an entire bottle of rum and still managed to come across with -1.0 lbs today (my login day). And even if not, don't worry about it. Just avoid making it…
  • Different strokes for different folks, but I lost a lot of weight doing my plan below and then gained it all back after dropping off it when I got a significant other and we simply spent 3 years together enjoying life a wee bit too much. Still together, but I am back at it and will adjust to be smarter once I trim down. I…
  • Oh definitely sounds like a lot of water retention and that can DEFINITELY show up. Many competitive body builders go through extreme dehydration because of this. Also, don't forget gut bacteria probably also had a feast and produced extra waste (gas) which may contribute to slight bloating and visual size increase. Some…
  • Commitment and long term goals are difficult to do. Sounds like you might benefit from some sort of eating time plane equally as much as lower calorie food choices. For me, simply cutting 500 calories a day every day is not right for me. It is difficult to stick to and it also makes me feel pretty bad when I give in. A…
  • That is a significant amount of walking. Depending on the way Fitbit is set up, it may be telling you that you're burned 3000-3500 because it is factoring in everything, not solely calories burned from steps. Overall, it is likely you just need to switch to 1.5 pounds a week and be fine. As you get closer to your goal,…