Chieflrg Member

  • Re: Lifting glove advice

    As I said it is good for bettering grip strength for farmer carries. Never said they don't help grip, they just are a much lower option than the deadlift itself if our goal is to improve deadlift gri…
  • Re: Lifting glove advice

    Never seen a basketball player not have the strength to attempt a three pointer that had a goal to improve their three point accuracy. You can feel any way you want about a article. I as most other e…
  • Re: Lifting glove advice

    Read what I said again I was speaking of two different goals or results and you are grouping them as one goal.
  • Re: Lifting glove advice

    You're right. Ask people that have less experience and success and haven't overcome specific issues over many years of training and coaching that are specific the question being asked. Give your advi…
  • Re: Resistance training

    Not necessarily. We can change up things to dose a overload of stress without having to add weight, sets, or reps. Though it is more common to add one or more of those options under proper programmin…