KJLaMore Member

  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JULY 2024

    up to p 42 Heather- Wow! You are busy! Getting so much done! When is your surgery? I have lazy susans above my fridge for my cleaning products and two double decker ones in my pantry cupboard. One fo…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JULY 2024

    Carol- So happy your surgery went well and it sounds like recovery is off to a great start! Sending prayers and healing thoughts to you! <3 Annie- I hope you are able to get your hair colored! I k…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JULY 2024

    Caught up reading again! I have a virus of some sort on my computer which is making it very hard to use. So...I haven't been on here for the past week. I have a firewall, but obv something snuck in. …
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JULY 2024

    All caught up on this warm and sunny Sunday evening! I am on day 13 of this crappy summer cold. I have been working through it. I did have a long holiday weekend over the 4th (4-7th) and I rested the…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JULY 2024

    Trying to catch up on the reading of posts. I am on page 20. Happy birthday to Kirby! And Pip lets us celebrate by posting pics of him! That porch pic! *swoon*! <3 :* :p xoxoxo KJ