ExistingFish Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I'm in Arkansas. Our Governor just announced yesterday a $10M grant (from one of the Covid relief packages, Govorner's discretion spending of some kind) to issue point of use Wifi spots across the st…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    In our state, they are only required when social distance cannot be practiced. That guy working alone? He's alone. I understand company policy may be stricter, but what is the point if you aren't aro…
  • Re: "Thin people have more gut microbes than fat people"

    Here I was blaming that 10lb weight gain on Covid, it might have been the C.diff infection (and two months of antibiotics off and on) before covid? I recovered from C.Diff like a week before the shut…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I don't mind stores or places of business requiring it. That is an exchange, they have something to offer and I willingly enter into an exchange with them. There is an exchange. I can take my busines…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I probably should to. If you are paying attention, you'd know I take all the appropriate measures myself. I stay home unless necessary, I wear masks, I use hand sanitizer, I keep distance, I clean th…