ExistingFish Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    RE: Churches. A lot of people are upset that in guidance, it is "churches" or "churches and synagogues" - the word "mosque" is never used. They should either say "r…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I went to the gym today in AR! Gyms are allowed to open up with restrictions. It was dead y'all. I had like 1/4 of the gym to myself, way more than 12' in any direction. It was amazingly good for my …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    1. I'm in Arkansas. The Gov set restaurant directive. Wear masks until your food arrives. The staff wears masks, and patrons wear masks while giving orders and speaking to the staff, but are allowed …
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    My doctor at my annual checkup told me I was looking really healthy, that he could tell I had been not only maintaining my weight loss but also building muscle. He said it made him happy because in f…
  • Re: October Check In

    Name: Existing Fish Age: 31 Height: 5'0" (153cm) Total weight lost: 41.7lbs (18.9kg) Time it took to lose: 7 months How long in maintenance: 1 year Maintenance weight range: 112 - 118lbs (50.8-5…