ccrdragon Member

  • Re: Are carbs the enemy?

    If this works for you, that's great. I have lost 50+ pounds since mid April and I have had pizza, spaghetti, and different kinds of fast food (chicken, burgers, Chinese, etc.) . I eat rice/bread/pota…
  • Re: OMAD - Why do people eat this way?

    A lot of people who eat OMAD will have a window of 1 or 2 hours during which they consume all of their calories for the day. Some eat it all in a single sitting (which seems rather gross to me, but t…
  • Re: Keto?

    Come to the dark side - we have bacon!!!! Both of these groups have lots o…
  • Re: Longevity benefits of periodic fasting? (eg- monthly)

    1. there is a very minor boost up to 24/28 hours, but then it falls off a cliff 2. subjective - who says their brain is working better and how do you prove something like that? 3. unproven in humans …
  • Re: Poop

    Some people have that reaction, but as a general rule, caffeine is a very mild diuretic:…