Cahgetsfit Member

  • Re: Clean eating

    Yeah they do. UGH. Poor deluded souls. They are also the type of people who say "food is just fuel" and refuse to see the whole other side of food which is family/gatherings/eating together…
  • Re: Cheat Day?

    @SueSueDio OMG LOOOOOVEEEE!!!! OP - when I was on restrictive "clean" meal plans it created a bad association for me to have a "cheat" meal. At first my coach had me eating a chea…
  • Re: Gym Question

    yep of course it will help. Strength training is not only good for helping you shape your body, but also good for us women especially as we age, because we lose a lot of the muscle mass we have as we…
  • Re: Am I building strength/muscle ?

    you're working your muscles that's what's going on. As you lose fat the muscles you had already become visible. Also because they are being worked, they get "pumped". You may have experienc…
  • Re: Is my friend on steroids?

    well, if she's eating it all and is still thin and all that, chances are she's vomiting it all back up again when people aren't watching. I can't think of any other way that she would be maintaining …