BoxerBrawler Member

  • Peloton ad

    Anyone see the article about Peloton's holiday ad? It is getting criticized for having undertones of sexism and classism. Give me a break! Why is everyone offended by everything these days? The only …
  • Re: Peloton ad

    Clearly it's Trumps fault.
  • Re: Keto?

    Scientists and dieticians are starting to agree on a recipe for a long, healthy life. It's not sexy, and it doesn't involve fancy pills or fad diets. Fill your plate with plants. Include vegetables, …
  • Re: Coffee question

    Ew - throw out the Keurig and buy an old fashioned coffee pot and a cheap coffee grinder. You can grind your own, out of a million choices of beans, flavors and strengths. Make as much/little as you …
  • Re: Oatmeal: friend or foe?

    Oatmeal is delicious served sweet or savory! I love it and eat it often as a dessert. My only problem with oatmeal, unlike the majority, it does not stick to my ribs or keep me full or satisfied at a…