nossmf Member

  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    Doesn't have to be weights, but some form of resistance exercise is essential for overall fitness, especially for people either trying to lose weight and/or getting older (so, basically, all of us lo…
  • Re: Do you log on holidays?

    Do I log everything I eat on a holiday, yes. Do I restrict myself on what I eat on a holiday, no. I am more likely to go over calories on that day and/or not meet macros goal, but I still want to kno…
  • Re: GIFt us your lifts! (or other achievements!)

    Week 11 of my bench press triplet protocol, where I started doing 10 triples at 60% of 1RM and every week add 5lb. Any week I fail to complete all 10 triples, the following week will have fewer tripl…
  • Re: GIFt us your lifts! (or other achievements!)

    Five of our six cats share the same mother, who knows about the father since mama was allowed to roam outside. The five come from three separate litters, and no two look alike, sometimes to an extrem…
  • Re: Older newbie

    Welcome! There are some great threads created by our members, bookmarked to the top of each category that may be helpful. Just look for "Most Helpful Posts - whatever the category name is”. For …