Ann262 Member

  • Re: Decided to join WW

    I just joined the online plan that does not include meetings (they now call workshops) In the past, did. It depended on leader but there was one leader who was constantly pushing the products and I f…
  • Re: Not discussed enough......

    I really think the OP has good intentions with this topic. It IS true that we can have all the knowledge and tools available and at our disposal but neither will help us get fit and improve our healt…
  • Re: Not discussed enough......

    EXACTLY! This is why I believe that people who are getting discouraged need encouragement and support rather than be told to "suck it up". That's just my opinion.
  • Re: Decided to join WW

    At the end of the day, you have to do what works for you but no matter what you try, you have to work it. For that to happen, a switch just has to flip inside you that makes you really ready to work …
  • Decided to join WW

    I decided to join WW because just counting calories in and out wasn't doing it. I know I was going over in calories some days but I was just darn hungry. Will power just doesn't work for me. If I thi…