Ann262 Member


  • Hi! @MazLB , I love your healthy approach to the process. No one can give you an exact answer. Certainly, on a more active day, you need to eat more. I know may be sick of this fuzzy answer but, honestly, listen to your body. Learn the difference between true hunger and just wanting something. If you are truly hungry, you…
  • Ahh! I have been absent a few days! @harringtona1 , I totally understand the frustration with the scale. It is one thing to know that that number is only but one health indicator. It is quite another to feel it. I weigh in tomorrow and I am mildly nervous about it. I am curious why you think being a lone wolf is not smart…
  • @pamperedlinny those work self evaluations are such a pain in the patootie. I hate them too.
  • @harringtona1 I love how you are breaking down the goals into smaller bits so you can celebrate along the way. @dogwalker157 wow. I am really impressed that you wanted dessert and had it thoughtfully. I just have to say..what happened to us that we have to feel so many feelings about having a piece of cake? There is just…
  • @pamperedlinny nice blog!! @dogwalker157 I have been competing with dogs since 2007. Dog agility is sooooo much fun for both dog and handler. I know...listening to our bodies and and actually "feeding" ourselves. Really shouldn't be such a eye opener but ....We have been fed so much nonsense over the years. I mean,…
  • Actually, 146 is not that heavy so I think you are probably so close to your goal weight that loss will be slow. That said, who told you that your weight should be 136? Are you using the CDC BMI calculator on the internet? That is a guide but the result isn't based on YOU. Your body composition, age, gender so many…
  • @pamperedlinny That sounds like fun. I don't know Barbie's last name. LOL!
  • @JuneWalks Fatigue can get to me too. I am sorry to see you disappear for awhile but you must do what's best for you. :) I was sooooo tired yesterday but had a good night's sleep last night. And looking forward to being more active this week. I am feeling so much better after a week of eating more mindfully, planning meals…
  • Why is OMAD?
  • MFP should give you a goal
    in Advice Comment by Ann262 March 2023
  • @HASWRLS you may not have logged but you spent quality time with people who are important to you. @pamperedlinny What an amazing day! Good for you staying within boundaries and that looks delicous. No goopy cheese sauce needed! @dogwalker157 , I too may have to plan and log forever. I sometimes wish I could just "make good…
  • @JuneWalks Ultra palatable! That's a new one to me but it sure makes sense. Nutella would definitely be on my list. Peanut butter, I love but I don't gorge on it and I find it helpful to me if I am a bit hungry at bedtime. A tablespoon of peanut butter and some skim milk does the trick for me. (Logged, of course!). Nutella…
  • I think you might have been restricting calories too much. 1100 calories is extremely low and with increased activity, your body has started slow the calorie burn because of it. Hence the low weight loss.
  • Whether it is boobs or something else, the healthy body fat range for women is higher than men. Depending on your age, that is in the healthy range. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  • @JuneWalks OMG Nutella! No, I can't have that in the house. I hate that they market it as a sandwich spread, like peanut butter, because it is more like a frosting! @dogwalker157 logging is a funny thing. Doing it, I really have learned that indulging in a treat does not ruin "my diet". It isn't one candy bar, on piece of…
  • @pamperedlinny , this is huge. Normally, if that were me, after eating the candy bar, I would say. “Well, I screwed up today. I might as well start all over tomorrow and, in the meantime, binge on all the off limits foods”. When I do that, I really Saratoga myself. One candy bar and few chips don’t do us in. It is the…
  • @JuneWalks Interesting article. There is a lot in play here. In the 70's soda pop was expensive and a treat. With the development of HFC, suddenly the huge bottles of pop and slurpees could be sold cheap! I remember noticing that..thinking "why all of a sudden is that stuff so cheap?" HFC. Then, of course, convenience…
  • Congraulations @pamperedlinny on reaching your lowest adult weight. what a milestone! @haringtona1, I tried Hello Fresh years ago. It was good but some of the recipes were a lot of work. Welcome @jaimelynn829 ! I did WW for many years. There is a lot good about. Like you, I find it impossible to maintain a healthy weight…
  • Hey I made this for dinner tonight it was delicious! And I Donely didn’t feel deprived I felt treated!
  • @dogwalker157 I am so with you on that comment. I did WW so many years and finally got fed up with their changing their plan every year. It just reflects the industry feeding into what the current "fad" is. The industry wants to pedal a product. The enemies have been sugar, calories, then it was meat, then it was dairy,…
  • Hey, count me in! I find alcohol to be a real road block to overall wellness. For me, alcohol is a appetite stimulant. While I am drinking and after..especially after. It leave me feeling tired an unmotivated. For March, I have been AF 5 out of 7 days. I aim to make is 29 out of 31. :)
  • I just weighed in yesterday so it is a bit too soon today, plus I am on my second cup of coffee. I will weigh in next week. :) @JuneWalks Yes! Another Ann!
  • Thank you for starting this! Please count me in. I am 62 years old and quite active but struggle to keep my weight in check. I have a complicated relationship with food and just want to work toward overall wellness. I have 3 kids...all grown and 4 grand kids ages 2-19 HW 177 CW 172 GW 145
  • I used to love drinking La Croix or other bubbly flavor essenced drinks. I realized they make me hungry! I quit drinking them and stick to good old water and that has helped me stick to my plan!
  • Eating back exercise calories. Some days you just have to. MFP is a great tool especialy for a free tool but accuracy is not great. Better than nothing. For example, I just put in a search for bagel. The top 4 results range from 180 to 380 calories. Which do you pick when you track? You guess which yours might be.…
  • That is very restrictive. I would have cravings too. It wouldn't be sustainable for me. Honestly, you aren't teaching yourself good eating habits. You are restricting calories to reach a goal. Once you reach it, then what? I suggest creating a diet plan of whole foods and a plan you can live with for life.
  • Nothing, really, but it gives me some guardrails. Yes, I know generally what foods are good for my waistline and which aren't but, apparently, I need more help than that or I wouldn't have gained 40 pounds over that last 15 years.
  • Got it!! Thanks! :-)
  • The Pandemic hit me much harder last year than I realized at the time. Looking back now, I totally see it. I lost a few good habits and replaced them with some bad and earned myself another 10 pounds because of it.