Daily check in for support and accountability

sista67 Posts: 23 Member
edited June 2023 in Getting Started
Hello. I have found in the past that daily accountability with posting stats and the support from others in the group is huge. I invite all to join me in posting and walking through this journey together.

My name is Susan, I'm 55; 56 in July. My highest weight is 275, about 12 years ago I lost 100lbs using Noom. In the past 2 years I gained 65 and need to loose it for mostly health reasons. Time to get serious. I checked out Noom first only to find it is very expensive now with half the features. Back in the day it was free and much much better. So here I am!!!!!!
All the group/discussions that are offering what I want are years old. So I'm taking a chance and starting one.


  • sista67
    sista67 Posts: 23 Member
    HW 275
    SW (Start weight) 225.2
    CW 225.2
    WL 0

    It just occurred to me that there is no weigh in day. In the past group I was in we all had the same day, Wednesday. I know it can be confusing to switch weigh in days and it's up to each person what they want to do. Having the same day for me created a sense of unity among the other members. It also made for some great support and discussions!
  • sista67
    sista67 Posts: 23 Member
    HW 275
    SW (Start weight) 225.2
    CW 225.2
    WL 0

    So, today was a drag. Lots of pain and fatigue cuz of health issues. And it def affected my eating. In the first half of the day is where the pain was worst. I are a banana and 2 recees cups. Of course when I got home from work I was really hungry, and exhausted. Had to go run errands as soon as I walked in the house. Hungry, tired, aggravated; not a good state of mind for making good choices. Ugh. Def have to work on eating during the day.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi there- So glad you started this thread. I need all the help I can get and hopefully can offer support as well. I'm hoping if I can change my way of thinking and look at weight loss as a way of taking care of myself, rather than feeling deprived, I might have more success. I was at my dad's 91st birthday today and did have some cake so not many calories left for anything else. This is when I find counting calories a challenge. Are you trying to stick to a certain calorie number or are you trying some other approach. I lost 45 lbs. 10 years ago but it has slowly crept back on. I lost it by counting calories. I've tried some other ways but this is what seems to work best for me. We shall see. How are you doing?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hi, ladies. I am going to join you. I am just now restarting my journey. (Well, I start most Sundays and stop most Mondays, but I am just going to keep trying until it sticks or until I kill myself from overeating). I am almost 57 and I, too, have 65 pounds to lose.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,585 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm always down for another accountability group. The more accountability, the more likely I am to stay the course.

    I'm Linda. I'm 40 years old, married to my best friend, have a 9 year old daughter and live in South Carolina.... though, until 5 years ago we lived in Maryland our entire lives. I have worked from home since 2020. While I hated it for the first 6 months, I love it now. Especially that I can cook a real meal for lunch if I want to do so. I've been on MFP for years. While I do yo-yo some I never go up as high as I start. I THINK I've finally gotten to a point to figure out what I can do forever. It's taken a lot of severe diets, crash diets, months of binging/not counting or caring, health issues, and finding what boundaries I need in place. I have PCOS and am type 2 diabetic (as are about 40%-50% of women with PCOS). I've gotten to where I'm fully diet and exercise controlled on my numbers, and that is a big push to make all my changes permanent. I don't want to be on insulin until my body absolutely needs to be.

    I hosted my book club last night and was so glad because that meant I had some control over the snacks. Instead of just one or two things I put out a whole spread and just let the other stuff brought suppliment. That meant I had veggies, pretzels, light dip, cheese, etc. I still had some dessert and chips but it certainly helped me keep to my food boundaries to have the lighter options mixed in.

    Tonight I will go to my Ladies Bible Study at church and, unfortunately, that means I have zero control over the dinner served. I did get my hands on the menu and it isn't light by any means. It's a chicken corn chowder and corn bread and dessert. I've seen the recipes by these ladies. It's sooo good but so not good for you. I'll just have to keep my calories lower through the day and maybe have a small snack an hour before the dinner so I can keep myself in check easier. It's always good to strive for a plan.

    SW: 300 lb
    Next GW: 180 lb
    3/1: 198.8 lb
    3/2: 198.0 lb
    3/4: 197.8 lb
    3/7: 197.0 lb
    **weight updated whenever I lose.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    Thank you for starting this! Please count me in. I am 62 years old and quite active but struggle to keep my weight in check. I have a complicated relationship with food and just want to work toward overall wellness.

    I have 3 kids...all grown and 4 grand kids ages 2-19

    HW 177
    CW 172
    GW 145
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    HW (highest weight) 234
    CW (current) 230.1 up thanks to pms
    GW (goal) 155
    WL (weight lost) 3.9

    I'm ok waiting through water weight gain, since I know it's not real. I'm eating under 1800 calories, 10k+ steps, and I love water. It'll sort out in a few days. In the meantime, I'm happy to see all of you taking names!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Susan, who started this thread, suggested a Wednesday Weigh-In. I am going to weigh-in tomorrow. Anyone else?

    @sista67 Please come back!! It doesn't matter how often you start over, it only matters if you quit!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    I'll weigh in tomorrow as well.
    Have a great night All
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm in. 🙂
  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    edited March 2023
    Hi - just noticed this thread last night so I thought I'd join in the fun? I am a Wednesday weigher as I do the BLCs. Today I was 1 pound up on last week. I usually post a sort of weight history on Wednesdays as it helps me see the true picture. I will go back and read the thread later today.

    ok - ttfn - Annie in the UK (GMT)
    ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫ (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ •*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫

    My Weigh Ins - to give the whole picture so I can see how I'm *really* doing!
    15 st 4.5 lbs - 1st Sept 2021
    18 st 0.5 lbs - 1st Nov 2022 - previously my highest weigh-in ever was 18 st 0 lbs...
    17 st 9.5 lbs - 1st Dec 2022 - started whole30 on 23rd Nov to check for food intolerances
    17 st 3 lbs - 29 Dec 2022 - joined MFP and BLC51

    17 st 2 lbs - 1st Jan 2023 - monthly weigh in to log on MFP
    17 st 1.5 lbs - 4th Jan 2023 - 1st BLC51 weigh in - start of week 1
    17 st 1 lb - 11th Jan 2023 - BLC51 weigh in - start of week 2
    17 st 0 lbs - 18th Jan 2023 - BLC51 weigh in - start of week 3
    16 st 13.5 lbs - 25th Jan 2023 - BLC51 weigh in - start of week 4

    16 st 13.5 lbs - 1st Feb 2023 - mthly weigh in to log on MFP
    and BLC51 weigh in - start of week 5
    16 st 13 lbs - 8th Feb 2023 - BLC51 weigh in - start of week 6
    16 st 13.5 lbs - 15th Feb 2023 - BLC51 start of wk 7 - and start of calorie counting/Nutracheck
    16 st 12 lbs - 22nd Feb 2023 - BLC51 weigh in - start of week 8

    16 st 12.5 lbs - 1st March 2023 monthly weigh in to log on MFP
    and BLC51 weigh in - start of wk 9
    Ditched goals - now thinking of it as tracking to see how I do - tracking all sorts of stuff :-)
    16 st 13.5 lbs - 8th March 2023 - BLC51 weigh in - start of week 10
    15th March 2023 - BLC51 weigh in - start of week 11
    22nd March 2023 - BLC51 weigh in - start of week 12
    29th March 2023 - BLC51 final weigh in
    and Interim Challenge initial weigh in
    1st April 2023 monthly weigh in to log on MFP
    5th April 2023 - Interim Challenge weigh in
    12th April 2023 - Interim Challenge weigh in
    19th April 2023 - Interim Challenge weigh in
    26th April 2023 - Interim Challenge weigh in
    1st May 2023 monthly weigh in to log on MFP[/color

  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    edited March 2023
    Ok I read the conversation so far! Great. I am 60 later this year, by the way.

    @Sista67 - Susan - Thank you so much for starting this conversation!

    @Dogwalker157 - I would have eaten the cake as a bonus - it doesn't happen every day and trying to eat less for the rest of the day would just make me hungry and deprived...

    @Pamperedlinny - Linda - Aw yeah it is so helpful to be able to eat at home. I too have figured what I can do to lose weight - it's just the comfort eating really, I think, that trips me up... Those book clubs and Bible studies sound fun - but a bit tricky food wise... Ever thought of suggesting they ditch the food aspect of meeting?... Or finding a book club/Bible study where there was no food?... I hate it when I'm emotionally pressured into eating people's Bible study food... Maybe even just suggest that you're thinking of going elsewhere cos you love the food but it's not helpful for you? I wonder how many of the others would say they'd prefer to have no food?... Might be interesting?

    @Haswlrs - Lisa - Why did your son go to Prague? :-) (Mrs Nosy!)
    I'm not sure @Sista67 - Susan has left? She posted on the 5th and it's only the 8th today?!... (depending on where you are of course!...)

    @Harringtona1 - Anne - I am Anne too but everyone calls me Annie when they get to know me so I call myself Annie all the time now... I like Annie better anyway :-)
    A walking holiday - how fun! Are you doing the El Camino de Santiago?
    Fast food - we were away at the weekend and out in the car I noticed how the billboards and fast food places were calling to me, which is ridiculous cos I don't even enjoy that sort of food - the power of advertising. And we moan at ourselves cos we think we're weak willed... The big money knows how to get us. Just the right mix of sugar, salt and fat gets us hooked. Sugar alone isn't so fun - who ever ate a bag of sugar right? (Yeah I know some people do...)

    @Ann262 - Another Ann I assume?! We ought to start a thread just for Anns/Annes/Annies! :-)
    I too am working towards overall wellness in every area.

    Question for everyone - What is the most helpful diet book you've ever read?

    ok - ttfn - Annie in the UK (GMT)
    ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫ (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ •*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    edited March 2023
    I just weighed in yesterday so it is a bit too soon today, plus I am on my second cup of coffee. I will weigh in next week. :)

    @JuneWalks Yes! Another Ann!