Daily check in for support and accountability



  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,

    Welcome Gemini and rmkinley- and great job on the weight loss. I'm 3 weeks in making changes to long ingrained habits. I'm down a few pounds, which feels great, but I'm trying to put the focus on the lifestyle change rather than the weight loss. Hopefully that will come with the better choices I'm making.

    I can so relate to the husband bringing snacks- he and I both have a serious sweet tooth, but he is able to keep the weight off easier. I had a serious talk with him this time about keeping the junk out of the house because it's hard enough without that stuff in my face. So far he's been complying, which is good for both of us. My goal is to try to stay as mobile and active as possible as I get older.

    @pampered- I can appreciate your points about making this work in your life. I think that's the only way I am going to finally be successful. I've lost weight before but it slowly crept back on because I didn't focus on making the lifestyle changes. I think I kidded myself into believing that I was, but the reality is that I was focused on the numbers on the scale. I still want to weigh in as a measure but I realize now that can't be the focus. As you pointed out this has to be for life.

    Have a great day All
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Good morning!

    Bible study dinner changed but it still worked out well. They did a sandwich bar instead of a salad bar. I just got a few lettuce leaves, tomato slices, turkey slices and made myself some lettuce wraps. Then I got a bunch of the fruit. Since I didn’t have any bread I allowed myself a small piece of chocolate pound cake (which came with strawberries and whipped cream). Definitely worth skipping the bread for that. Since I brought a light salad dressing from home I was able to dip my wraps in that too.

    I just finished turning in my annual review. I HATE that I have to review myself before sending it to my boss and hearing what they think. I feel like I’m defensive and I don’t even know if I need to be. I mean, I had 3 goals for delinquencies (I do receivables and collections for my company) where I met one, I got close on another, and the last has some reasons it didn’t hit that include deep dives into a few customers issues taking up more time that I counted on. Not anything earth shattering. Also, our company runs on a fiscal year end…. Ending in March, but with all self-reviews due this Friday. Every year I feel like March tries to kill me between the review and the year-end deadlines. Ugh!!!! Which is why I was filling in the review at 6am instead of during my actual work hours. Whoever came up with it all being due at the same time is very obviously not in accounting.

    Sorry. Rant over.

    In positive news, I got a new counter top grill. I have had my small George Forman grill that does about 2 burgers at a time for about 15+ years. It’s not in great shape anymore. Not really non-stick, one of the corners is broken, one spot gets hotter than the other, etc. It still works but not quite as well as it used to do. I found an amazing deal on a slightly larger one at Best Buy. A different brand but good reviews and on super sale for $20 instead of $50. It arrived yesterday so we’re going to be making some burgers and maybe “grilled” zucchini on it tonight to test it out. I stupid excited about testing out my new grill and putting it through its paces. Does anyone else get excited for new kitchen gadgets or appliances? I think anything food or kitchen related always has me over the moon.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    @pamperedlinny those work self evaluations are such a pain in the patootie. I hate them too.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Ditto on hating the self evaluations. What a score on the indoor grill- that's a bargain.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Every time I stumble, I fall headlong into a very deep rabbit hole. My perfectionist mindset, not helpful. I am killing myself slowly by the amount of food I am eating. It is an avoidance tactic. I don't shower everyday, and I rarely leave the house. I really do need professional help, but I am a smart girl, so I feel like I should be able to figure this one out. I need to start journaling, connecting the dots. I am looking at three empty journals sitting right beside me.

    Wednesday Weigh-In: 206.8
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome to the new folks! Here's my Wednesday numbers: wait first I'll go remember what to post lol - oh yeah
    SW/HW 234
    CW 224
    GW 150ish
    I'm still battling that hormonal 8 pound gain from Sunday morning. DH pointed out we had a big drop in temp the previous night. So I moved my scale away from the cold outside bathroom wall and that took care of a couple lbs. Feels good to be able to claw back instead of give up or chalk it up to plateau and eat for awhile. My crampy, back spasmed, tired from no sleep butt is still getting out to walk and watch the calories. But enough about a terrible yet great week.

    @GeminiSister DH needs a lot of calories! He keeps tempting snacks either in his desk or in HIS kitchen cabinet. I also order meal kits so I'm sure to have good food to cook for myself, no matter what he eats. He's gotten to like that food so he usually cooks and eats with me instead of buying pizza.

    I have a concept2 as well. Long story skipped, I put that thing in front of a TV and binge a series. I'd row hard until the first commercial. Then slow to next. Then I'd stretch for the rest of the show. Be careful about your form on that thing 😇

    @rmkinley I'm dying to know what weight loss thing you're doing. I'm throwing everything at this I can. I have a year to get healthy my deadlines. But I'm always interested in trying other things that might help.

    For instance, in April i'm headed to a health thing weekend where you stay there and they cook for you and you go to classes and fitness stuff. If it's good, I'll do a longer one in the summer. (I've been to a camp before. It was a sham. I had to sue them, the only time I've ever sued anyone. This is another long story.) Anyway I have milestone dates (like April 13) with scheduled events to reward/motivate me to achieve my set goals by a date. If I'm not at a certain stage by the milestone dates with my habits or other tasks (like cancer screenings, sleep pattern, social stuff, etc.), I won't waste the time or money on that event. One of the indications of my progress is weight, but the goal is to embed the healthy habits. Geeze, I'm thinking about process in my head while I write which means it's time for this engineering quality chick to sign off before I bore y'all to death.

    But before I go: I'm especially happy that @pamperedlinny got her healthy bible study! Way to go 🤩 Did they appreciate eating better? What dressing did you take?

    Ttfn - Anne (52 yo, married, work remote, no kids, 2 cats in beautiful Florida) whew! That was a long one!

  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    @HASWLRS - how are you? You get to your journals?
  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    @HASWLRS - Have you read The End of Overeating" by David A Kessler? It's an eye opener. We all feel so bad that we overeat but maybe it's not all our fault...
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday I put my new appliance through its paces and had a lot of fun. For lunch, I grilled zucchini, peppers, onions, and leftover pot roast. Seasoned it all with a garlic jalapeno spice blend. Then put it on a Joseph’s multigrain lavash wrap, added some tzatziki, rolled it up, and grilled it all together. A panini wrap sort of thing. Grilled burrito. I don’t know. It was tasty though. Then for dinner we had burgers on the indoor grill. With them I made a slightly spicy sauce using Peri-Peri seasoning, salt, hickory smoke powder (like liquid smoke but powder form), lemon juice, and water. I put it over more zucchini, peppers, and onions. Grilled them again. Then I made a baked potato in the microwave, gave it 5 spritzes of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Spray and topped it some of that spicy sauce too. I’m really enjoying playing with my new appliance…. Can you tell? LOL
    If anyone wants to know what I got, it is a Bella Pro Series - Countertop Indoor Non-Stick Electric Grill. It is normally $60 at Best Buy but I had found a deal on it for $20.

    @HASWLRS I definitely recommend the journaling and also finding a counselor. The perfectionist mindset is hard to overcome. Also, I learned about truth journaling and it helps me when I’m spiraling. Often, I don’t even write it down anymore, but can do it in my head…You can find what I mean here. https://barbraveling.com/how-to-truth-journal/

    @harringtona1 I’ve never done a camp program before. When you have time can you tell us more? Also, I love a little story time so if you ever want to share why you had to sue I’m all eyes and ears. At bible study they all enjoyed sandwiches on bread, the chips, and the cakes. I made the lettuce wraps from all the things available. I don’t think it affected them at all but it helped me immensely. I took Ken’s Lite Northern Italian. It’s only 50 calories for 2 tbsp and is pretty good. You should try it.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm still sticking to it. But my body doesn't seem to be responding anymore. The only thing that's changed (other than, as we all know, you know, that) is that my intermittent fast has dropped from 14 hours to 13. I didn't really take that whole thing seriously. But maybe there's something to it. Gonna get back to 14 and see what happens. (My sister does 16. But she also is keto, so... We're different lol)
    Night y'all!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,575 Member
    Good morning!!!

    Last night was so great! I got to hear Sarah Penner share how she started writing her first book, what inspired her second, and even what to expect from her third. Yesterday was her husband’s birthday so he flew in to be with her this weekend. It was fun to meet him and that she surprised him with 80 women singing him Happy Birthday. The shop served a Spirited Sangria and I was glad I left plenty of calorie room (I was actually below my normal range yesterday) so I could enjoy the drink included on my ticket.

    Photo of my friend, myself, and Sarah Penner.

    Tonight is the monthly movie night that I host. I’m thinking of trying a new recipe on the group and making them all my guinea pigs. I already have the next two blog recipes ready to drop, but anytime I get ahead I try to keep that momentum… inevitably I’ll hit a block and won’t have anything new for a couple weeks. Then those few that were ready in advance really come in handy. We’re watching An Affair To Remember. Since movie night is potluck I don’t know everything coming yet. I heard a rumor about girl scout cookies and ice cream so I’ll have to eat really light throughout the day so I really indulge without killing my calorie boundaries too hard. I also heard there might be crab Rangoon and bbq meatballs. Man, I love my monthly movie nights!
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Those are some nice movie friends! This all reminds me that I should be working on my social circle more as part of health year.
    Hubby and I are very, I dunno, lone wolf types. We're happy just the two of us. But that's not smart long term.
    I'm putting it on the habit list. Make another friend lol. I just started golf lessons today (one on one of course 😂). Maybe that's a good place to start.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    edited March 2023
    @harrington I'm totally with you on the idea of broadening our social circles. My husband and I are also lone wolf types but your point about that, not being smart in the long run, is so true. Learning to play golf is a great idea- you learn a new hobby and increase your social group.

    @pampered- you are one busy lady who really seems to add joy to your life. So awesome and a reminder that I need to do the same.

    On the weight loss- despite my previous statements about the scale not holding that much influence... I have to walk that back some. I am a bit discouraged that it hasn't been moving despite the changes in diet and exercise. It's only been 3 weeks but I was hoping for something to affirm that I am heading in the right direction. I know that the changes I am making are doing just that but it's hard to not think about the weight loss as part of it.

    I was thinking of decreasing my calories to see if that would get things moving, but I want to avoid going back into old patterns that don't amount to real long-lasting change. Maybe I should throw my scale away.

    Have a great day and weekend All!
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    I wonder if anyone else has the amazing visual of chucking the scale out the upstairs window? Or the Office Space scene where they kill the printer mafia-style? I may have to sacrifice my scale (and the $$) for a new replacement to that catharsis! I'll take photos when the time comes.

    I'm a bit discomfited (check my vocabulary now that my ESPN bracket is trash! I'm back from March madness baby!) about my weight this week. I really do celebrate the little health wins I have stacked up. Cancer screenings, sunblock every day, walking at least twice a day, a couple things I won't mention in mixed company - by mixed I mean people who aren't my mother or grandmother or sister, on track with therapy: physical and psych. All that and still... That nazzerfraggin weight just refuses to go. Today, I was comfortable in my clothes. I'll end on a high note. Night y'all!
    Oh! If you're in the north, you might have northern lights. Google it! I'm so jealous!!
  • shivali14
    shivali14 Posts: 4 Member
    HW 165
    CW 161
    GW 145
    I logged every meal today even though it was a busy Saturday. I even got close to 10000 steps (may just make it with 40 mins left in the day)
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    Ahh! I have been absent a few days!

    @harringtona1 , I totally understand the frustration with the scale. It is one thing to know that that number is only but one health indicator. It is quite another to feel it. I weigh in tomorrow and I am mildly nervous about it. I am curious why you think being a lone wolf is not smart long term. I am also curious about the sham camp. I have often thought going to some "health" retreat would be marvelous. Most are very expensive and I just haven't wanted to drop the cash on one but, it has been something I have daydreamed about.

    @dogwalker157 , hang in there.

    @HAWSLRS How are you? Perfectionism can be a real stumbling block because it is in impossible gaol Have you opened your journals yet?

    @pamperedlinny It looks like such a fun day you had and who wouldn't want to be a guinea pig for new recipes from you?

    Me? Tomorrow is my weigh in and I am a bit nervous about it. I have logged everything and all has gone well but my "program" has been so gentle and intentionally so, I know not to expect a massive loss but I don't want to see a number that will be discouraging.

    It is troubling to me that facing the scale causes any internal anxiety at all..mild though it is. I really have been deeply programmed to wrap self worth into that number.

    Anyway, I have healthy meals planned for today and today will be busy so fingers crossed for a happy weigh in tomorrow.

  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @Ann- I'm a few days past the disappointment on the scale. It is challenging me to really approach this as a lifestyle change. I really want to see those numbers come down as evidence that what I'm doing is working. I realize now that I am living a healthier lifestyle and that is the ultimate goal for me. I don't really want to go back to my old habits even if the scale doesn't move. I am feeling better and stronger and I'm moving more so that's a win. I just have to keep reminding myself of that :smile:
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    My sister told me today that she could see the change. And I thought so too. So in order to give me something else to celebrate, I measured myself. Let's see how that goes. Scale be damned!
  • AEF7758
    AEF7758 Posts: 2 Member
    HW: 242
    CW: 229
    WL as of 3/25/23: 0

    My name is Amy. I'm almost-29 and I live in Central Ohio with my mother. I enjoy reading, Food Network shows, Reelz Channel shows, going to local events, and I'd like to start volunteering at my local library. I've been overweight for an extremely long time. For almost as long, people would tell me that it wasn't a big deal, and then call themselves fat when they were half my weight. Since I'll be entering my 30's next year, I want to lose weight to avoid bad health. My mother and my maternal grandmother both have/had Type 2 Diabetes. While my mother's condition is well-managed, I doubt I'll be as lucky if I get it. People say consistent weight loss requires a lifestyle change, and while I doubt I can make a 100% lifestyle change, I want to try again.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Nothing to it but to do it, Amy 😃 let's goooooo!! Welcome to the group.